We have received many questions from candidates concerning when JAMB will send their exam slips or allow them to print the slip from the portal so as to know their specific venue, date, and time for the main exam which comes up between June 19th to July 3rd, 2021.
JAMB is yet to officially announce the date for the printing of the 2021 exam slip. However, based on experience, we expect the printing of the exam slip to begin at least a week before the main exam commences.
Candidates will have their slips placed on their profiles. JAMB is also expected to provide an online link for candidates to print their exam slips directly from JAMB’s website.
JAMB may also decide to send the exam slips via email. So we advise candidates are advised to check their email addresses regularly for any notification concerning the printing of the exam slip from JAMB. When checking your email address, please ensure you check both your inbox and SPAM folder as the message may be delivered in your SPAM folder instead of the inbox.
Once you have been able to print your exam slip, please do not fail to let us know so other candidates can be informed as well
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