Jamb Registration for this year is delayed because many Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education in Nigeria are yet to upload admission lists. This is further due to the recent lockdown.
Jamb will hold this year 2021, Jamb Real Website is www.jamb.gov.ng, Jamb UTME and Direct Entry form will come out together. You will be informed the exact day and time Jamb will start selling forms for this year.
The official Jamb Registration fee is #3,500, Jamb English Novel Price is #500 and Jamb Approved CBT Centres charge #700 for registration. Save above #5,000 for Jamb registration 2021.
The exam takes one Week or more to finish. Your exam date will be shown when you Reprint Jamb Slip based on Jamb Timetable. Jamb reprinting is done a few days to the exam to show your examination date and centre.
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