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We’re Unperturbed Over Proscription Threats — ASUU President

The President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Prof Emmanuel Osodeke, says his union is unbothered about the alleged federal government’s plan to abolish the union.

In response to reports that the federal government intended to recognize the Congress of University Academics (CONUA), the acclaimed union’s faction, Osodeke claimed that the action was only a ploy designed to divert attention away from the real problem.

The ASUU President, who spoke Wednesday in a phone interview with DailySun, said: “No, we are not worried about any prescription. We don’t know what they call CONUA. We do not have any faction.

“Look, I don’t think we should waste our time on what does not exist. If we have a faction, why is it that all the universities are closed? Why are their members also on strike? See, we should not be playing to these people who are just looking for ways to distract the issues at stake of why we are on strike. These are just distractions. Instead of addressing the issues, you want to go and raise a team of one or two men to say we have a faction.

“They have done it during the military and it didn’t work, is it now that it’s going to work? So they should concentrate on the issues. It will be easier for the government to address the issue rather than testing to see how they can mobilize a group. Why are they coming out this time?”

He advised the government to focus on addressing the issues so as to quickly resolve the strike rather than concentrating on trying to find ways to punish ASUU.

“So the government should look at how to resolve the problem so that these children can go back to school. And all these distractions they are doing here and there.

“No work, No Pay, we want to punish you, we want to set another group. So those are just distractions that is it,” he added.

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