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UTME 2022: What To Do While Waiting For Commencement Of Registration

The date for the commencement of the 2022 UTME/DE sales of form has been fixed for February 12th, 2022. It will last until 19th March 2022. Considering this, it is important that prospective UTME candidates know what is expected of them and get all the requirements ready before the registration kicks off. One of the keys to a smooth registration and success in every UTME is early preparation.

So this post will guide you on the few things you need to be doing at the moment while we wait for the commencement of the UTME sales of form and registration.

UTME 2022: What to do while waiting for commencement of registration

  1. Get your National Identification Number (NIN): Based on previous reports, NIN may likely be a compulsory requirement for the 2022 UTME/DE registration. In case you do not have yours yet and you intend to register for the 2022 UTME/DE, we advise you quickly get it ready. We earlier provided a step-by-step procedure on how you can acquire NIN.
  2. Know The Course You Want To Study: Deciding on the course you intend to study is one of the things you should do now before the registration begins. This is because you need time to think before settling on a career/course. You shouldn’t just pick any course. It has to be a course you have passion as well as an academic aptitude for.
  3. Know the School You Intend to Apply for: Just like in choosing a course, you need to equally know beforehand the institution you want to apply for. Your criteria in choosing one should be based on whether the school offers the course you intend to study, the admission requirements of the school, the school fees as well as other personal preferences e.g location etc
  4. Know the subject combination for your course: A lot of students make this mistake by choosing the wrong subject combinations for their course. If you want to avoid any form of mistake, use “The JAMB Brochure”, to see the required subject combination for the various courses before registration begins. Remember, that choosing the wrong one can jeopardize your chances of gaining admission. Be wise!!!
  5. Ask for Guidance: If for any reason you are confused and need guidance may be regarding the choice of course or school, UTME/O’level subject combination etc…
  6. Start Studying Now: Finally, start studying now and don’t just study hard, learn to study smart. By now you should know that a good number of JAMB past questions are repeated every year.

Schools, Institutions, Tutorial Centres, Business Centres & Cafes can start setting up their CBT Centres to become JAMB CBT Agents and Training Centres to help train students for the upcoming exams.

Once the UTME Registration for 2022 begins, we will publish it here on LegitSchoolGists, and give you step by step details on how to successfully proceed with your registration.

Until then, stay prepared!

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