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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.



This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into degree programmes of the University of Maiduguri for the 2022/2023 Academic Session and have scored 160 and above in UTME, and a minimum of lower credit/merit in diploma, 8 points in NCE/IJMB for Arts and Education and 9 points for Sciences or second class lower division from a recognized institution for DE that there will be online screening exercise for admission. Check the attached PDF file for the cut-off marks of the various courses.


To register, candidates must proceed as follows:


. Visit


Type your UTME Number as username and password. Both are case sensitive.

Enter valid and accessible e-mail and phone number and click on Process Payment

4 You wil be directed to REMITA to make the paymernt.


Make PAYMENT as follows

For Card payment you will be sent


OTP from REMITA to your phone number and E-mail, which you will use to complete the payment


For Bank Payment, you will print the payment slip with RRR and make payment at the bank


On successful payment using card, you wil be returned to the dashboard. you paid at a bank, you will login again using description in Step 2.

Click on verify payment to verify your payment.

You will be directed to the biodata page to fill your details and then, next of kin then click next.

Fill your next of kin details and click next.

Finally, provide your O’Levels results. Indicate the number of sittings (maximum of two), and select the certificate(s) obtained. Provide the examination date(s) and number(s).

For DE applicants, in addition to 10 above, you will provide Higher Education certificate details.

After filling all the forms, you will be redirected to the dashboard. Review your submissions and if necessary, edit them. Once satisfied, click on submit.

Upon successful completion, the message “Application Submitted Successfully it can not be altered thanks” will be displayed.

You will NOT be invited for physical screening or aptitude test.

You will be notified once admitted through JAMB CAPS.

Ensure you have uploaded your O’Level results on JAMB CAPS, else your admission request cannot be considered.

Visit for guidance on cut – off marks for each programme.

Once admission commences, visit for updates and advice. 19. Email us at [email protected] any assistance.

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