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University of Lagos (UNILAG) Distance Learning Institute (DLI) Admission Form for 2022/2023 Session

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the University of Lagos (UNILAG) Distance Learning Institute (DLI), Open and Distance Learning programmes for the 2022/2023 academic session.

UNILAG DLI Available Programmes

B.Sc. Accounting

B.Sc. Business Administration

B.Sc. Economics

B.Sc. Public Administration

B.Sc. Education with specialization in the following subject areas:

  1. B.Sc. (Ed.) Biology
  2. B.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education
  3. B.Sc. (Ed.) Chemistry
  4. B.Sc. (Ed.) Mathematics
  5. B.Sc. (Ed.) Physics
  6. B.Sc. (Ed.) Economics
  7. B.Sc. (Ed.) Early Childhood Education
  8. B.A. Education/English

UNILAG DLI Admission General Entry Requirements

The following candidates are eligible to apply:

2.1 Graduates of University of Lagos or any other University recognised by Senate with Degrees in relevant disciplines.

2.2 Holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) or National Diploma (ND) or National Certificate in Education (NCE) in the relevant disciplines.

2.3 Holders of recognised relevant full professional qualifications particularly ACA, ANAN, ACCA, ACMA, ACIA, ACIS, ACIB and CII may be considered for admission at enhanced level provided they have five credits at WASCE/SSCE/GCE/NECO (‘O’ Level) or its equivalent, which must include English Language, Mathematics, Economics plus any other two (2) relevant subjects at not more than two (2) sittings.

2.4 Holders of WASCE/SSCE/GCE/NECO (‘O’ Level) or its equivalent with credit in five (5) subjects including English Language, Mathematics plus any other three (3) relevant subjects at not more than two (2) sittings.

Point of entry for candidates in categories 2.1 to 2.3 will depend on details of their Transcripts and such candidates must also satisfy the WASCE/SSCE/GCE/NECO (‘O’ Level) or its equivalent as stated in 2.4 above.

Applicants are to ensure all examination numbers and certificates of WASCE/SSCE/GCE/NECO “O” Level or its equivalent are inputted and uploaded on the portal.

Applicants into year two (2) and year (3) presenting post “O” Level qualifications such as Degrees, HND, NCE, OND and professional qualifications are to send in their Academic Transcripts through the awarding institutions with application number as reference number to:

The Institute Secretary,

Distance Learning Institute

University of Lagos

How to Apply for UNILAG DLI Admission Form


  • The application will be in two stages: Part-Time JAMB Registration and DLI UNILAG
  • Applicants for the Distance Learning Institute programme shall not be less than 16 years of age by 31st October 2022.
  • Offer of admission into programmes listed above is subject to the available number of qualified
  • Online Print out ‘O’ Level Results Slips is NOT ACCEPTABLE at the point of Registration.
  • Candidates awaiting results are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply.
  • Certificates and not Statement of Result Slips are acceptable for WASCE/SSCE/GCE/NECO results obtained before 2019.
  • All completed application forms are to be submitted on or before 15th December 2022.
  • There will be NO UTME Examination for Distance Learning Institute, University of Lagos


Log on to the JAMB CAP Website and Register (Part-Time)

Pay a sum of N3,500 to enable you to obtain the registration number


Step 1: Log on to UNILAG Application Portal

Step 2: Click “Start Fresh Application”

Step 3: Select Distance Learning Institute as application type, then provide your Surname, First Name, Middle Name, JAMB Registration Number, Mobile Phone Number and e-mail address.

Step 4: Click the “Pay now” to pay online, the application fee of =N=17,500 (Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Naira) Only. OR Print the Payment advice with Remita Number to make payment at any Commercial Bank.

Step 5: Return to the application portal ( after payment click “continue application” enter your payment reference number and your surname in lower case as password.

Step 6: Complete all required details and upload necessary documents.

Step 7: Complete the application form, submit it online and print a copy. (Candidates can save their application form for later editing).

Step 8: All completed application forms must be submitted online on or before 15th December 2021

Step 9: All applicants must go through the preparatory Applicant’s Induction Course (AIC) before final enrolment

For further assistance, call any of these Help Lines: +234-810-960-6362, +234-705-240-6470, +234-907-368-9973, +234-907-342-3647; e-mail Address: [email protected]


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