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Hi, what are you looking for?

Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.

School of Nursing




The prospective candidate should possess the following qualifications/features:

Five (5) credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in WASSCE/NECO at not more than two (2) sittings.

NABTEB is accepted but cannot be combined with any other O’Level Certificate (WASSCE/NECO)

Candidates must not be less than 17 years of age as at 1st of October, 2022.

Candidates must not have any criminal record.

Candidates must not have any deformity of the hands.


Application form is at the rate of N10,000 (Ten Thousand Naira Only) made payable through Remita to University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), Ilorin General Purpose Account

Candidate are requested to make payment using their own name as Payer, failure to do so he/she may be disqualified from the admission process.


All application forms should be completed online on or before Friday 29th July, 2022.


Written examination: between Thursday, 11th and Saturday13th August, 2022. Candidates are to confirm the date on UITH website from 1st August, 2022.

Oral interview: Monday, 15th August, 2022.


University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital School Complex (Former Maternity Hospital), Amilegbe, Ilorin.

RESUMPTION DATE: 3rd October, 2022

For further enquires contact the following:

09016428765 – Principal, 08033850764 – Registrar

NB: Other Information

Above dates are subject to changes by the Management.

The school does not sell any past question papers, nor conduct any form of examination coaching.

The school does not act through any agent for admission.

No awaiting result shall be accepted at the interview.

Come to the CBT Centre (for entrance examination) with summary page of submitted online form and writing materials (no calculator or handset)

Invited candidates for Oral interview should come with Original copy of O’level certificate/printout and original copy of birth certificate/ Declaration of age.


The Application forms are to be filled from the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital website ( pay Ten thousand naira (N10,000.00) non-refundable fee into University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Account with the CBN through CBN e-payment gateway REMITA.

  1. All the data and scanned uploads (e.g Certificates,Refrees,Remita reciept e.t.c) on the form fields MUST be supplied correctly as required for your form to be processed.
  2. Payment MUST be made first before proceeding to the form page
  3. To make payment Log on to
  4. Click on Pay FGN and State TSA
  5. Select and click FGN Federal Government of Nigeria
  6. Type University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital on whom do you want to pay
  7. Select UITH GENERAL PURPOSE on Name of Service/Purpose
  8. Fill in the necessary information and make your payment.
  9. For enquiry on payment issue, please contact: 09075225670, For Technical Support Contact [email protected] or 08062303140
  10. After payment is made through the Remita Platform, you can now proceed with your registration by filling the online SPBN FORM with the Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) Number generated with the payment made.
  11. Click APPLY NOW below, then it will redirect to the interface where you will be asked to enter a VALID personal E-mail address.
  12. A confirmation link will be sent to the E-mail you provided during the E-mail registration.
  13. Login into your E-mail account by opening a new Tab in the same browser already opened.
  14. Click on the link sent to your E-mail by noreply@uithilorin.
  15. The SPBN application form will be made available for you to fill and submit.
  16. Select the school in the drop down menu you wish to apply for.
  17. Note:On the sponsor details form fields you are expected to get the scanned signature of sponsor in jpeg or png or jpg format for upload.
  18. Note: Each candidate is required to upload THREE TYPED AND SCANNED REFEREES, WITH THE REFEREES LETTER HEADED PAPER in jpeg or png or jpg format.
  19. Fill every other field on the form as required
  20. After submission wait for 2 seconds as you will be directed to print or download the filled form.
  21. NOTE: if you do not see your printout, it means your form was not successfully submitted, so you have to refill the form
  22. NOTE:You are to bring the online printout after submission on the day of exam/interview

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