The euphoria of gaining admission into the nation’s number one University of choice manifested in all its practical forms among the fresh students of the University of Ilorin, as they were formally welcomed to the Better by far citadel. In their thousands, the “Jambites” flocked the University Auditorium grounds, basking in the excitement of becoming undergraduates.
Back-slappings, photo shoots, uproarious laughter, jubilation, ululation, and a lot more were visible features of the day, as virtually every available space around the imposing Senate Building of the University were taken over by the celebrants, their friends and well wishers. Some were even accompanied by their parents and guardians who came to share in the joy of their wards, the joy of accomplishment, joy of victory, joy of scaling the palpable hurdle of the very competitive entrance into Unilorin.
Some were so carried away by these celebratory mood that they couldn’t gain access into the inner chambers of the Auditorium, which had been filled to capacity as early as 8.30 a.m. Such late comers had to make do with milling around, consoling themselves with taking photographs and more photographs.
Inside the Auditorium, it was a solemn moment, as the matriculants sat with rapt attention, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Vice-Chancellor’s Procession to signify the formal commencement of the Matriculation Ceremony. To be sure, this solemn occasion is significant in so many respects: Being the first compulsory official assignment of the newly admitted students in the University, it is comparable, in all respects, to the admission into the inner recesses of a typical sacred institution, an occasion to spell out all the rights and privileges in stock for the new entrants.
At exactly 9.55a.m. the Programme Anchor announced the entrance of the Vice-Chancellor’s Procession into the hall. The entire Auditorium erupted in applause, as each of the Deans of Faculties, accompanying the Vice-Chancellor, was introduced. The convivial atmosphere at this point appeared to have briefly interrupted the solemnity of such occasion. The preliminaries over, the Registrar took to the Podium to invite the Vice-Chancellor to declare the event open and give his address.
As monitored by LEGITSCHOOLGIST REPORTS The Vice Chancellor in his keynote address “A golden opportunity in your hand, use it well”, charged the students. Becoming a discipline and dedicated person in anything one find oneself. And adhering to all rules, Principle, and guidelines which has been laid down by any highest authority. He also advised in “Maximising one’s time judiciously all the time because time wastage cannot be reversed at all. The Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Abdulkareem Age Sulaiman addressed Fresh Students and urged them to abide by the rules and regulations guiding the University, he also urged them to be focused and committed to the purpose of being in the University as there are thousands of people who applied and wish to be given admission but few were offered admission by grace. He urged them to shun cultism and other related crimes.
The event was held as scheduled today at the University’s Auditorium following all the laid down protocols.
All fresh Students are enjoined to sign the matriculation register at their respective faculties and collect the matriculation oaths form.
We at LEGITSCHOOLGIST REPORTS wishes all fresh Students (100 Level and 200 Level DE Students) success in their forthcoming text and examinations. Best Regards.
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