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The university of Abuja Released 2020/2021 Tentative Timetable for first Semester Examination. The examination is for a period of two weeks 30th August to 11th September, 2021.

Each Faculty should mobilize and optimize the available resources towards a successful examination.

The Management team of the University of Abuja is ever ready to support each faculty in her quest to conduct a hitch free examination. Please communicate your examination needs to the relevant units of the university asap and the Vice Chancellor is ever ready to address your concern in case of any challenge.

The students are enjoined to prepare for their examinations which are for them to pass while adhering to the University of Abuja guidelines on the conduct of the examinations.

Meanwhile, a cardinal role of the University is the conduct of examinations including the examination Invigilation. The absence of some invigilators at the Examination venues can compromise the Examination process. Many committed invigilators had bridged the gap in the previous examinations with the attendant burn out and ill feelings. The habitual absence of some invigilators at the Examination venues in the previous examinations has been identified as a major challenge to the conduct of the examinations. Therefore, the invigilators are being enjoined to honour the invigilation schedule during the forthcoming examinations. Henceforth, there will be collation of the names of the invigilators who abandon the examinations invigilation.

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