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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.



This is to bring to the notice of all candidates who applied for admission into the Sokoto State University. Sokoto through 2022 UTME and DE and chose the University as their most preferred Institution (i.e. first choice), with the minimum score of 140 in UTME, Lower Credit in HND/ND, Merit in NCE and 6 points in IJMB in relevant areas from a recognized tertiary institution, that the online screening exercise for admission into the University for the 2022/2023 Academic Session commences on Monday 12th September and ends on Saturday 31 December, 2022.


Step 1:Visit the University Portal at

Step 2: Enter your JAMB Registration Number as username and password.

Step 3: Click on ‘Update Data’ link to update your phone number and email address.

Step 4: Generate and print your screening payment invoice of the sum of Two Thousand Naira (2.000) only (transaction charges exclusive) containing Unified Payment (UP) Reference Number. Thereafter proceed to any commercial bank on your invoice to make payment or click on ‘Pay Now’ link to pay using any of the instant unified payment channels.

Step 5: After payment. login to your account again and update your biodata. academic records and other required information. D.E candidates are required to upload their A’level certificates/results (Diploma, NCE, IJMB, etc). Print your acknowledgement slip and payment receipt for record purposes

Step 6: The screening is strictly online, and no examination will be required of applicants at any time.


For further inquiries, email [email protected] or call +2348162544443 or +2349017593664 (cal period: 9:00 a.m-3:00 p.m from Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Fridays).




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