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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.


OAU ADMISSION: 10 Possible Facts about the second and Final admission phase of 2021/2022 session 

1) Only 40% of each Department quota would be admitted. I.e A department admitting 100 students every year would only but admit just 40 from this next admission phase.

2) Most of the admitted students would likely be Pre-degree students

3) The Cut off marks would be higher

4) A student who scored below the cut off mark for his or her chosen course might not be reconsidered for another course unlike the first admission phase.

5) The admission processes would be faster than the first admission process.

6) Not all admitted students would see their names on JAMB Porter before resumption due to the shortage of time.

7) Full lists to be released alongside the First admitted students on the school site.

8) Those getting admitted in the second phase of the admission would resume together with first admitted students upon resumption

9) The second phase admission would be highly competitive

10) But I pray for you, regardless of what happened you shall be favoured and admitted Buoyantly and Gallantly in Jesus name. This is your last UTME.

By the way, You can join our JAMB online class. Check us out on Instagram for more details @ legitacademy

Remain Buoyant and Semper Fidelis.


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