This is to inform you all that course registration closes on Friday 10th December, With the exemption of Library and Information Science ( LIS) and Engineering department respectivel
All Engineering Students (For proper Placement only)are requested to be at the Portal office by 10am on Saturday 11th December. That is the only concession given to them
A medical student, distinguished educationist and a reporter, passionate about providing students with RELIABLE and LEGIT pieces of information on any news relating to Education.
He’s also the CEO of RELIABLE TV. A WhatsApp forum that has helped and is still helping students obtain firsthand information about relevant and detailed educational contents for Nigerian students.
Remember; Jamb earlier directed that candidates who registered for 2020 UTME should ensure they upload thier O’level results before the end of admission of...
Post utme screening exercise was introduced to ensure that only candidates who are qualified are admitted into our higher institution. Although most organization and...