TEAM LEGITSCHOOLGIST has taken it up to interview Awa Emmanuel Oluwatobiloba the brilliant young chap, who is the candidate with the UI Post UTME highest score ever recorded (84%) from the department of Electrical Electronics Engineering.
He achieved this great feat at the last conducted 2020 Post UTME of the University of Ibadan (UI).
More so, he is a brilliant young man and it was so much fun speaking with him.
We hope he inspires you to believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to as long as you FOCUS!!!
Kindly tell us about yourself
My name is Awah Emmanuel Oluwatobiloba from Delta state. I am the first born of my parents. I attended Jabbok Heights Nursery and Primary school for my primary education.. As for my secondary education, I had to make some changes, I first attended Bright Future International College, before moving on to complete it in Mainland Senior High School.
2. Share a bit about your childhood experiences
As the first of three children, growing up was a bit hectic..
It was fun anyways given the company provided by my younger ones..
I didn’t really grow up as one of the brightest students, neither did I has one of the dullest.. I was just more of an average student.
3. With an impressive Post UTME score, we are interested in knowing your WAEC and JAMB scores
Well, like I said earlier, I wasn’t one of the brightest, I had an average WAEC result, it compromises 3 Bs and 5 Cs.
To crown it all, this isn’t actually my first time writing Jamb, at my first trial in 2019, I had 246, surprised right? , don’t be, I said it earlier, I was just an average student.
Well fast forward to the 2nd time which is now, I scored 314 in JAMB.
4. You had the highest UI Post UTME score ever recorded. What would you say influenced this feat you achieved?
What really influenced my performance in this exams is my failure in the previous exams.
I felt dejected when I saw my post utme result for the previous year, I had 50/100. I wasn’t really bothered at first, I had the mentality of an average student, not until when my best friend called me and told me he had gained admission into UNILAG, it dawned on me then that I had failed.
Immediately I dropped the call of my friend, I broke down and cried through the out that day.. The next day, I woke up and decided to plan for the next UTME I wanted to write..
I wrote my score target down, I prayed on it and I started rigorous preparation. UTME came and went, I had 314 (didnt really hit my target of 320), I braced up and told myself I still had one more hurdle to cross(UI Post Utme).
This is when Dr Sugar played a vital role in my life.
I registered with Dr Sugar and I started tutorials with him.. I didn’t want what happened in the previous year post utme to occur once again. I prepared harder than I did for UTME, I had it in mind to score 80+ in the exam, for an engineering aspirant, that is actually a nice score..
I wrote the exam, results came out, I checked, I had 84, I burst into tears(this time, tears of joy), I didn’t even know I had the highest score in the exam, until I got a call from Dr Sugar congratulating me and telling me I had the highest score🤗🤗..
5. Did you have goals you set prior to the Post-UTME?
Like I said earlier, I had goals, my main goal actually was to beat the cut off mark for UI MBBS(the highest cut off mark), even when I didn’t apply for MBBS. I knew if I could beat that, then I was already in.
6. What routines did you follow to achieve these goals if you had any?
I didn’t have any special routine, I just read and prayed. I read 4hrs during the day and 3hrs at night.
7. After reading assiduously, What did you do to unwind/relax during those UI Post-UTME exam periods?
I am not really a fan of going out, I am more of an indoor person.. I just stayed home and slept and sometimes watch football.
8. With such an excellent result, have there been opportunities you have got as a result of this?
It has given me some opportunities that I really appreciate. One of which is this interview with LegitschoolGist.
9. With the current situation of the country and the uncertainties that accompany it, how have you been keeping busy?
Well, besides studying for exams, I am a licensed graphic designer, I keep myself busy by creating new designs and posting it on my page on Facebook (Tobex Designs)
10. What advice would you render to the students currently preparing to write 2021 JAMB?
- My candid advise to students preparing to write JAMB 2021 is,
- Erase the mentality of an average student, set top goals.
- Work and pray, prayer is the key, but prayer without work is vanity.
- Believe in yourself. Don’t let anyone’s success oppress you, be Optimistic.
Thank you Emmanuel for sparing your time with us and we wish you all the best in your endeavours.
Thank you too for the opportunity, We are grateful.
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