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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.



Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified applicants for admission into the full-time degree programmes of the Landmark University, Omu-Aran, for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Foreign Applicants Application Process Click on the Foreign Students Application Form link found under the Application Form Link to generate a temporary application number for you. This will lead you to the page where you fill in your details and upload your High school Result.

On success of submitting this form, your temporary application number is sent to your mail and also displayed on the screen. This is the number that you will henceforth use in place of the UTME No for your application. After successful generation of your application number (UTME No equivalent), you will be redirected to the payment page where you are expected to make a payment of $100 application fee along with a processing charge depending on your selected payment channel.

If you have already generated your UTME No but you are unable to complete the payment process instantly, please click on ““, to try again.

After payment completion, the passcode with which to log in to complete your application is sent to both the email and phone number provided. Your are expected to return to our foreign admission application portal via ““, click on “Complete Application” to login with the temporary application number generated for you as the UTME No., and the passcode sent to you after payment.

Upload your passport (which is required to be in JPG format and not more than 200KB in size) and complete the rest of your application. After completing the application form, you are expected to submit and print out copies of the completed form, which contains the details supplied by you and your form number.

The date of the admission examination test will be announced at a later date. Please check with your local church pastor for further information on the mode and date of the examination.

Scholarships are available for the following courses; Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Animal Science, Crop Science, Soil Science.

Interested applicants are to check their eligibility and also complete the scholarship application form via “

Please note that only applicants who have completed their application form and are confirmed to be eligible, will be able to fill the scholarship form.

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