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As part of its dedication to the provision of seamless yet secured result services to the university community through technological advancements, the Directorate of ICT has revamped the main page of the Results Processing Portal. The main landing page connects to all other undergraduate result platforms and services, including those of alumni of the university.

These updates offer a more robust, versatile, easy to navigate, and visually appealing web experience. The new landing page now serves as a consolidated gateway to other services related to results. With this development, academic staff members will no longer have to visit different portals to access their individual result management pages as the pages have been collocated to a single platform. The page provides links to the results portal of the following programmes: Sandwich, Conversion, SPTS, ODLRI, and the PG result portals. For security concerns, the DICT did not implement a single sign on scheme for these portals.

Furthermore, the newly designed webpages prioritise user-friendliness and responsiveness as a hallmark of improved service provision. They now feature a streamlined interface that enables users and visitors to submit inquiries directly to DICT support officers. This enhancement will facilitate prompt and efficient responses to user feedback and complaints. From the page, users can meet their Lecturers by clicking on the Know Your Lecturer Tab, which leads them to the Academic Staff Profile page. Users can also apply for Transcript, reach out to the Examinations and Records Unit, make payment, apply, and monitor the progress in Intra University Transfer, amongst others. Students can check their Results and use other student related services.

The newly designed and deployed Landing Page of the Results Processing Unit of the LASU DICT can be accessed via
DICT calls on members of the University community to note this upgrade and contact the ICT if necessary.

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