JAMB has disclosed some additional features and updates that will be on JAMB CAPS for 2020. All candidates for the 2020/2021 admission exercise are adviseed to go through this article as it will help them know what is expected of them as well as what is expected of different schools in admission process.
Before a candidate can be moved or transferred to another programme, there would be transfer alert (notification from CAPS) to the candidate via email to either accept or reject the transfer.
If he/she presses YES, he/she moved to the new programme & MUST be admitted
If he/she presses NO or SILENT (no response), the candidate remains and cannot be moved anywhere
At the point of Acceptance, he/she would be notified to do change of programme to be able to print his/her admission letter.
No institution would be able to move candidates into merit level unless ALL positive candidates above him/her are submitted either by merit, catchment to EDLS.
After uploading of O’level by a candidate, any admission to be done MUST consider him/her.
If any institution request for the opening of change of programme or institution, it MUST consider all the candidates who have uploaded their results.
1st choice admissions must be done during the period earnmarked for 1st choice.
At the end of the 1st choice period, all candidates not admitted would be pulled out of the institutions’ platform on CAPS & be made available to others willing institution
Any candidates who has chosen an institution as 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice does not need any change of choice or payment to JAMB to be considered for admission during the period of the 2nd choice admission.
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