The JAMB change of course and institution for 2021 has started. The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has directed all candidates who wish to change their course or institution to proceed to the board’s site and follow the procedure as displayed.
The process is currently ongoing and costs N2,500 and can only be processed online, just like every other process of the board.
All candidates who wish to effect changes on either their course institution or their bio-data can proceed to do so at the closest JAMB CBT accredited centre.
You can also correct your Bio-data which include your name, date of birth, gender, State and Local Government of origin.
Before you proceed to do that, please make sure you do the following;
Be sure of the Course/Institution you would like to make changes. Verify if the course is available in the school using the JAMB Brochure.
Ensure that the school you are changing to does not usually have a cut off mark higher than your score.
Ensure you select a Course/Institution that is in line with your subject combination to avoid being screened out during your school’s admission screening exercise.
Process Flow for 2021 JAMB Change of Course, Institution and Date Correction
Log into your JAMB profile
Open the menu tab on your JAMB profile
Click Register, under register a drop box will appear showing UTME correction of data
Click it and follow the steps to pay either online or bank. You can make your payment online via JAMB portal.
If you are having difficulties doing that, you can pay to the bank.
After paying N2,500 at the bank plus additional bank charge of N100 naira, proceed to either the closest JAMB office or a JAMB accredited centre to complete the process. An additional fee will be charged for the service.
You can carry out all of the above process at an accredited centre.
Important Notes:
You can change one or all your courses/institutions at the same time.
Once the form is submitted, you can no longer make any changes again except for change of course and institution that can be done twice.
There may be a limited number of schools or courses you can change to, so be sure to have 3 or 4 options, just in case the one you want to change to is not available.
The cost for the change of course and Data correction is ₦2,500.
You can use the one time payment of ₦2,500 to change your institution, course, name, date of birth, State and Local Government of origin.
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