Th e J o i n t A dmissi o n s a n d TMatriculation Board (JAMB)regrets the cancellation of the scheduled mock examination in four Computer- Based Test Centres (CBT) owing to circumstances beyond the Board’s control.
The centres are MaiIdriss Alooma Polytechnic, Geidam, Yobe State;
Sani Bello College ICT Centre, KM2
Sokoto-Yauri Road Usube Kontagora,
Niger State; Niger State Polytechnic,
Zungeru-Bida Road, Zungeru, Niger State
and G.U.O. Ezeoke Memorial ICT Centre,
No. 1 Kings & Queens Close, Akuzor,
Nkpor, Onitsha, Anambra State.
Candidates posted to any of these centresneed not go there for the mock examination as examination would not take place at the affected centres.
The Board regrets any inconvenience caused to candidates and other stakeholders in these.
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