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JAMB Mandates all Staff & Examination Officials to Obtain NIN

Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Mandates all Staff, Examination Officials and Other Board Workers to Obtain National Identification Number (NIN) Ahead of the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) Registration.

Ahead of the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), all members of staff of the Board as well as ad hoc staff wishing to participate in the 2021 UTME must obtain the National Identification Number.

This directive was contained in a circular issued by the Board as part of the preparations for the 2021 UTME.

This measure is to underscore the determination of the Board to use the NIN as part of the key requirements for both registration and examination starting from the 2021 UTME.

The measure is also to conform with the directive of the Federal Government to MDAs to partner with NlMC in the management of their identity-related data.

It is, therefore, in conformity with this directive that the Board has made the possession of NIN mandatory for candidates and examination officials alike.

To give effect to the directive, the Board will commence a trial run of the new registration regime by mandating all staff of the Board to participate in mock registration exercise.

The registration tryout by members of staff would help the Board to identify challenges and address same before commencing full-fledged UTME Registration scheduled to begin soon.

Similarly, the trial run would be extended to ad hoc staff who would be required to take part in the registration tryout in a bid to ensure wider coverage and, in the process, garner more data.

The circular added that compliance with the directive is mandatory and any member of staff of the Board or ad hoc staff who fails to obtain NIN and consequently fails to participate in the trial run would not participate in either registration or examination as scheduled.

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