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JAMB CAPS Changed Your Course or School Of Choice? What To Do Next

Some candidates have complained about being admitted to another course or school different from the one they initially applied to study on JAMB CAPS. This post is to guide such candidates on what they are supposed to do if they find out that they have been offered admission into a different course or institution.

The first dilemma you will face when you discover such is whether to Accept the admission or Reject it. This is understandable considering that admission into higher institutions in Nigeria is not easy to come by. However, do not rush to reject or accept the course immediately. I will advise you do the following;

Consider the course/Institution Carefully

Ask yourself, Do I have the academic aptitude for this new course? How much interest do I have in this course? The reason is that it is hard to study a course you are not interested in. You may have to research on the course to know more about it and what it involves. Often times the reason something is not interesting or appealing is because we know little or nothing about it.

After making the necessary research on the course and you discover that you cannot cope with the academic demands of the course or still not interested in the course, I will advise you reject the course. It is better for you to reject the admission now than end up not being able to graduate because you can’t cope with it.

On the other hand, If you are convinced that you can cope with the academic demands of the course. I will advise that you accept the course. The reason being that, you are not really sure if another admission will be given if you reject this one. Unless of course you do not mind sitting for JAMB next year if no other admission is offered to you.

If it was your institution that was changed, check to know where the school is located. Is it a location you would like to relocate to? What is the schools fees of the institution? What’s the living cost in that state. Knowing the answer to all these will help you decide whether to accept or reject the admission.

Apply For Change of Course / Institution

Once you have accepted the admission, it is advisable to immediately change your initial course to the new course you have been offered to study. If it is another institution that offered you admission, you have to change your institution to the new one that has offered you admission as first choice.  If not, you will be unable to print your Jamb admission letter and the admission will be withdrawn.

If you reject the admission, then you do not have to do anything. Your name will automatically be available in the JAMB marketplace for admission consideration.

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