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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.



JAMB has disclosed that the registration for the 2023 UTME will commence from Saturday, January 14 to Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Direct Entry registration would commence from Monday, 20th February to Thursday, 20th April 2023. This was contained in a statement made available by JAMB’s Head of Media and Information, Mr. Fabian Benjamin

According to him, the decision was made at the end of the board’s management meeting held in Abuja.

It was further revealed that the 2023 main UTME will hold from Saturday, 29th April 2023, to Monday, 12th May 2023 while the 2023 mock exam will hold March 16th, 2023. We, therefore, advise candidates to start preparing for their exams using the JAMB CBT mobile app and JAMB CBT computer software.

Candidates will be expected to pay the sum of N1000 service charge to the Computer-Based Test centres for the conduct of mock examination at the point of registration to prevent a situation where candidates would indicate their interest to sit the mock-UTME leading the various centres to commit human and material resources only for them to stay away on the day of the examination.

The details of the steps required to successfully register for the exam will be provided just before registration begins on 14th January, 2023. In the meantime, candidates can proceed to create their JAMB registration profile codes. Candidates can also start consulting with your parents, guardians and mentors to select the best course and school for you, using references from both the Latest JAMB syllabus and the Latest JAMB brochure

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