AE-FUNAI Matriculation Ceremony Extended till Friday July 2nd 2021.
Please be informed that the University Senate at it’s Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, June16, 2021 approved the extension of 2020/2021 session’s Matriculation exercise.
Senate noted the information that there was heightened insecurity in the country and that there was need to safeguard the life’s of students and their parents that would be coming to grace the occasion.
Senate, therefore, approved that the Matriculation would hold on Friday, July 2, 2021.
However, Senate directed that Matriculation numbers would be used for the production of matriculation brochure. Any student who fails to do his/her registration would not only participate in the exercise, but would not be considered a student of AE-FUNAI.In view of the above, the Senate decleared that Monday, June 21, 2021 and Tuesday, June 22, 2021 as lecture free for ALL freshmen (100 level students) to enable them complete their registration exercise.
Please inform your parents/guardians on the new date for the matriculation and also ensure that you register as stated above.
Thank you.
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