Hello Viewers, I will like to share with you and to give you more enlightenment as touching Conversion from UTME to DIRECT ENTRY and how to go about it.
Did you score low in the just concluded jamb examination and you’re looking for alternative way of securing Admission and you’ve already gone through OND/NCE, IJMB/JUPEB then follow the below instructions.
Jamb has given an alternative way for it’s Candidates as far as simultaneous obtaining both UTME and DIRECT ENTRY Form by an individual has been cancelled.
Therefore, after obtaining UTME Form and you had a very low mark and you already had either A’level, OND/NCE, IJMB/JUPEB etc,then you’re advised to go for Conversion from UTME to DIRECT ENTRY and be able to secure the admission for the academic year.
How to Upgrade UTME to Direct Entry (DE)
Below are the necessary guidelines and procedures to take in other to successfully convert or upgrade from UTME to DIRECT ENTRY Candidates.
- Visit the nearest JAMB office. I encourage you to use the office in your state of origin if closer.
- Tell them you have come for the upgrading of your UTME to DE
- Go along with your UTME registration slip, A’level results, and JAMB profile code
- They will attend to you for the registration. You will be asked to choose two universities– 1st and 2nd choice.
- After upgrading, wait for your information to reflect on the portal of the new school you’re proposing. In my experience, one of my candidates that upgraded for the University of Ilorin took a week before it reflected on the school’s admission portal before we could start her post DE registration.
- You can’t do changing of UTME to DE or upgrading at a cafe or CBT centre for now. Kindly go to the JAMB office.
- After you’ve successfully completed the Conversion from UTME to DIRECT ENTRY, you’re advise to follow strictly the below information in other to gain admission for the academic year.
What did you need to gain admission through Direct Entry?
As a direct entry Candidates, below are the necessary documents that’s needed in other to gain admission.
- Firstly, you must have ensure that you upload your results on jamb portal both O’level and A’level, cos without that no Admission.
- Then the second vital information is to apply for Transcript form from your school and get it forwarded to the new institution you choose after the Conversion because Transcript is what gives the assurance of the results you’re claiming to have.
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