Does your recently released result from your just concluded module make you question your ability?
Do you feel you should do better or can do better?
Then this letter is your you!!!
If I were you I’d get a bottle of water or soft drink or juice or beer to calm myself because this is going to be a long one as it contains all I did to overcome bad and average results in medical school
Just kidding though, it won’t be long , just tag along
First of all I’d like to congratulate you for overcoming the first hurdle of crossing over, trust me, you are indeed special but as long as I’d like to dwell on the congratulations, it is important to let you know that the long journey has just begun and YES!!!, it is going to be a really long one.
However , failing in medical school especially in the modules in-courses is a regular thing around here but can it be avoided? …
Maybe YES, maybe NO…
Yes it can be avoided because I have also failed in my in-courses but I avoided it over the course of my journey and NO, because I know some few people who tried as much as they can to avoid it but due to some certain reason, they couldn’t and they will be joining your class soon that’s if they haven’t join already
I know you don’t want the latter to be your portion , so would you like to know how I overturned mine ……. IF YES, THEN STAY WITH ME AND READ TO THE END and IF NO, STILL STAY WITH ME AND READ TO THE END
I am ADEOSUN, OLAWALE ISAAC, popularly known as Olawale Aromatics; I am a 300l student of DENTISTRY AND DENTAL SURGERY, Director of AROMATICS SPEAR BUSINESS CONSULT and the pioneer of the first Detailed compilation of past question in College of medicine,university of Lagos .
Enough about me ,this is not about me, but about you reading this
When I resumed CMUL 200L , I already had a running business in AROMATICS TUTORIAL which really needed my attention so I had little time to spend in school as a medical student.
I tried as much as I can to catch up with the everyday voluminous and bulky dropping of slides as I know myself to be a fast reader so I was able to catch up but then medical school started dawning on me when I couldn’t remember all I’ve read due to too much information coming in but one thing I never did was GIVE UP, so trust me, you cant GIVE UP. So since I already know that I couldn’t be in school all day just like others , I resorted to using my TRUMP CARP (fast reading , fast assimilation and short term memory), so what I do is I’d start reading two days to in-course , so I assimilate fast and remember for the main time ……I wouldn’t advise you to do same because it didn’t end well for me.
First module physiology result was the first to come out, guess what ? I failed …I had 44, biochemistry came too and I had 41 and then anatomy, I had 56 ….oh wow, now that I remember this , I feel so emotional . Anyway, I decided to move forward and focus on second module but then business wouldn’t allow me to have time too , so when result came out I had A58 B46 P41
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, not again!!!
Then third module came but by then, session already ended at akoka, so I had the time to focus on school and prove myself that I am not a dullard, that I am AROMATICS, then I started reading enormously , many as bulky as neuro anatomy and neuro physiology were , I finished at least 4-5 times that I know everything in most slides word for word; and yes this is where my story started changing; but I had 3 courses with 3 different stories [neuro-anatomy, neurophysiology and neurobiochemistry].
NEUROBIOCHEMISTRY; I finished all the slides like 6 times and when it was about a week to exam, a past question from the previous set before us came to surface and I was able to glance through them. Lo and behold, when we wrote our exam, 80% of what was in the PQ came out for us word for word, but guess what, I didn’t practise the PQ before going for the exam; when result came out I got 60+, can’”t remember the exact score while my close pal that finished the slides twice and solved the past question in detail to the extent that he wrote out the questions from the PQ down on a note and the answer and was reading just that got 70+ and was approaching 80; his first in the school.
NEUROPHYSIOLOGY: I prepared all well just like others but without PQ and then I got 53… my friends saw the results and were like AROMATICS,how you go get 53 nah , those questions were from the PQ
NEUROANATOMY: This is the most unforgettable moment of my 200L for me as it was very bulky , we were given about 100 slides with each of slides having an average of 70-100 pages.
Guess what , I finished all these slides 7 times and I knew all of the words in the slides word for word , my friends knew how much I was prepared for the exam so they booked sitting arrangement around me but when we got the question paper in the exam hall and I screamed Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to the extent that everybody heard me , do you know why?……….. you seem to have an idea ….yes exactly what you are thinking…..out of 300 questions ,I was only sure about 70 , but to my amazement ,when we finished the exam and we were lamenting , some set of students made a statement , I quote “when will this lecturers stop repeating PAST QUESTIONS ‘’ and that day I learn a major lesson , no matter how brilliant you are,you are destined for failure if you don’t read with past questions . REMEMBER THAT TOO
Maybe I should italicize it …… No, there’s no need but I will
‘’no matter how brilliant you are,you are destined for failure if you don’t read with past questions .’’
With my experience from 1st ,2nd, 3rd module , when 4th module came , I didn’t bother stressing myself , all I did was lay my hands on any PQ I could get ,then I started reading with PQs , when exams came , I had my best results as a student in CMUL A62,B74,P67. I did the same thing when professional exams came , I guess you know the rest buttttttttttttt…..yes!!! ,there is a but ……..when results came out, I aced my anatomy and biochemistry but I had 47 in physiology due to the accumulated average results from my in-courses and this means I had to RESIT for physiology.
But one thing surprised my friends , which was I wasn’t bothered about the result and I was able to do because I was confident I was going to kill it using a KILLING MACHINE I pioneered AROMATICS PAST QUESTION FOR 2OOL MBBS/BDS STUDENTS.
So I went back to my business; when my friends were busy preparing for the resit ,I was busy chasing and making money. At about 3 days to the exam ,I carried the PQ and started studying it, and even though I wasn’t surprised, when I got the exam hall and we were served: out of 12 questions , 10 came from the PQ and we were to answer just 8 questions ………….ISN’T GOD A GREAT GOD?
So I am in 300L today as a product of my own product, if the team didn’t make sure the PQ was standard enough, I would have been the first to suffer the consequence before anyone else does
I had to learn my lesson late, but you have the chance now to learn yours early and get that GOOD GRADE you so desire and that’s why we have came up with this package (AROMATICS PQ FOR 200L MBBS/BDS STUDENTS); FIRST OF ITS KIND IN CMUL
- The questions are recent questions and in line with the SPICESS curriculum
- The solutions are UNIQUE as the answers weren’t just given but they were given with reasons why they are true or false
- Using this package guarantees your DISTINCTION in all of your courses
- This PQ comes with a REWARD of #20,000 for all the students who bought the PQ and gets 3 DISTINCTIONS
- The PQ Comes with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, if at any point you don’t like the package and doesn’t suit what you want and you’ll still get to keep the PQ
- It is the BEST and FIRST of its CMUL.
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