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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.

Admission List


Notice is hereby given to the 2021/22 Applicants of the federal university of Technology, Akure (FUTA) that the University management had Commenced Admission placement on Jamb caps for the 2021/22 Academic Session.

Applicants who participated in the 2021/22 post utme and Obtained a minimum of 50% as the score mark are expected to login into their Jamb caps to check their Admission status.

It is salient for All Applicants to note that Admission allocation on Jamb caps is a gradual process,Hence those that are yet to notice positive changes on their jamb caps are urged to keep it calm and stay glued to their Jamb caps.

The Admission seekers must have uploaded their Olevel results on Jamb caps and also ensure that all details on the school portal correlates with the one on Jamb caps.

As of the time of filling this report, campus info has confirmed an Human Anatomy Applicant who Noticed positive change on his/her Jamb caps.

In addition,the Applicants are expected to be duly informed that Candidates who merit the course Applied for are firstly put into consideration.

Proper guidelines on how to check the jamb caps will be rolled out in the second paragraph.

My heartfelt congratulations to the newly Futarians.


Prospective Applicants are expected to follow the instructions below to check their Admission status on Jamb caps:

Visit Jamb caps portal via your browser especially chrome by clicking here
Input your Gmail address and your password received from Jamb via Gmail mailbox.
Confirm the Examination year by ensuring it is (2021).
Change your browser from mobile site to desktop site.
Click on check Admission status at the first homepage (Dashboard).
Input your UTME Registration number in the rectangular box at the top of the page.
Click on Access my caps to direct you to my caps profile.
Click on Admission status at the left hand corner of my caps profile.
Click on Accept to accept your Admission offer.
Anticipate for Congratulatory message from jamb and proceed to print your Jamb Admission letter.
Congratulations to the Admitted ones!!!

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