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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.



This is to inform all students that the portal will open on Friday, 22nd October, 2021 Bidding time slots will be staggered for Fresh students, Returning students and Postgradate students.

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students who are interested in seeking accommodation in the University Hostels can apply and bid for bed-spaces in any of the following categories of Hostels:

*FUNAAB notice to students on hostel bidding Undergraduates*
Iyalode Tinubu Female Hostel (Blocks A and B): ₦30,090.00
Iyalode Tinubu Female Hostel (Block C): ₦30,090.00
Princess Adebisi Soboyejo Female Hostel: ₦30,090:00
NEEDS Assessment Female Hostel: ₦50,090:00
Umar Kabir Male Hostel (Blocks A and B): ₦30,090.00
Umar Kabir Male Hostel (Blocks C and D): ₦30,090.00
NEEDS Assessment Male Hostel) : ₦50,090:00

Iyalode Tinubu Hostel (Blocks D and E): ₦45,090.00
New PG Male Hostel: CEADESE (2/room): ₦60,090.00
NOTE: Fees are exclusive of Transaction charges.

Application by Fresh Undergraduate Students . Consideration shall be given only to applicants who have paid school fees for the session.

Application by Returning Undergraduate Students. Consideration shall be given only to applicants who have paid school fees for the session.

Application by Post-Graduate Students . Consideration shall be given only to applicants who have paid school fees for the session.

Allocation of bed-spaces is strictly on first-come, first-serve basis with the following status taken into consideration.

Students with Special Needs or Health Challenges (as recommended by the Director, Health Services)
Indigent Student (as recommended by Counselling Unit)
Foreign Students
Final Year Students (including students returning from SIWES and FPY).
Fresh Students
200L-500L Students (Non-Final Year)
Biological children of Staff
Outstanding Sportsmen and Women (on the recommendation of the Director of Sports)
Student Union / Hall Executive
Student with CGPA of 4.5 and above
Special consideration for a Staff
Thank you.

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