I write at the instance of the Vice Chancellor, Prof Amidu O. Sanni, to request students wishing to stay back on campus during the mid semester break from 18 December-3 January 2022 to register their names with the Student Affairs Unit.
Meanwhile, all students are advised to keep their belongings securely in their lockers and wardrobes at all times.
We want to assure students and parents that no student will be compelled to evacuate his/her hostel facility on account of the University hosting NASFAT Women’s and Youth programmes holding during the mid -semester break holidays on our campus.
The University has made adequate arrangements to take care of the interest of all stakeholders. The opportunity being given to NASFAT organs to use our campus is to also make them appreciate the level and profile of all facilities available at the University hence inspire them to contribute better to the University.
We want to assure all that the welfare of our students remains paramount in our consideration.
Respectfully yours,
ADENEKAN, Sheriff A.
Deputy Registrar
Vice Chancellor ‘s office
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