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EKSU issues notice on registration procedure for admitted candidates for 2021/2022 session

This is to inform the general public especially the newly admitted students of the Ekiti State University (EKSU) that the Management has release the registration procedure and registration guildlines for a successful registration for the 2021/2022 Academic session.

Below is the procedures/guidelines students are advised to follow promptly;

EKSU notice on the procedures for registration of admitted candidates for 2021/2022 session

Print a copy of the EKSU Admission Letter and Authority To Proceed form.

Proceed to pay your Acceptance and School Fee as appropriate.

Report to the Admissions office (Academic Affairs Staff office Building) with your Admission Letter” and “Authority To Proceed” fom immediately after the payment of Acceptance and “School Fees” for listing and result verification.

Proceed to your Faculty Officer for screening with your original credentials and Authority To proceed slip already signed by the Admissions Officers or his representative after your results have been verified.

At the Faculty Office, you MUST present “3 COPIES of the following to your Faculty Officer before you can be registered.

i.) JAMB admission letter

ii) EKSU admission letter

iii) Evidence of payment of:

(a) Acceptance fee and

(b) Candidate’s allotted school fees FULLY PAID

iv) Authority To Proceed slip, duly signed by the appropriate supervisor in the Admisions Office

v) O’level result(s), Diploma/ND results for Direct Entry candidates, Birth Certificate,Certificate of Origin from Local Government, Referee’s letter etc.

vi) Clearance forms with signature of respective Heads of Departments, before registration by the Faculty Officer.

vii) Files submitted by candidates should be distributed as follows: Academic Affairs Office ,Department , Faculty Screening. Registration and documentation of screened candidates should be done on departmental basis in the Faculty Office.

Record, in hard copy, of all on-line registration done should be kept.

Delegation of any duty by Faculty Officers should be duly and thoroughly supervised.

Undertaking Forms are to be given to newly admitted candidates of Medicine, Nursing Science and Law, which must be filled and returned to their respective Faculties, on or before the first week of resumption of the second semester, 2021/2022 academic session.

The original copies of the signed Undertaking Forms should be forwarded to the Admissions Office on or before the day of Matriculation, while a photocopy should be kept in each of the candidate’s file in their respective Faculty.

Faculty Officers are to return data of all duly registered students to the DR (Senate and Academic Matters) not less than one week before the date of matriculation for students in their Faculties to be enlisted in the Matriculation Register which MUST be constituted and submitted to the Registrar not later than 24 hours to the date of matriculation. They are to use the format to be provided by the DR (SAM)


Director/Head, Academic Affairs

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