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Gain Admission Into 200 Level In Any University of Your Choices Through IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A-LEVEL. NO JAMB| LOW FEES| Registration in Progress. Call 08028128744 to APPLY NOW.



Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into any academic Programmes of Atiba University, Oyo.

The following candidates are eligible for admission:

Category A

  • Candidates who have chosen Atiba University, Oyo as First or Second Choice with a JAMB score of 140 and above.
  • Candidates who scored at least 140 in the JAMB UTME who did not choose Atiba University,Oyo in the UTME and are seeking change of institution.

Category B

  • Candidates who scored below 140 in the JAMB UTME or who are yet to write the UTME and are seeking admission into One-Year Basic Studies Programme (JUPEB)

General Admission Requirements

100 Level

  • Candidates must possess JAMB requirements for all programmes in addition to five credit passes in WAEC/NECO SSCE, GCE and NABTEB to include English Language, and other relevant subjects as advertised in the JAMB brochure for each programme.
  • Candidates awaiting SSCE results or its equivalent can also apply for admission provided the result will be available at resumption in admission year.

Direct Entry

  • Two passes at the Advanced level with G C E Level or approved equivalent credit passes in three other subjects at not more than two sitting.
  • Three passes at the Advanced level (GCE A Level, HSC, JUPEB Diploma) with G C E O’Level or approved equivalent credit passes.
  • Passes in two recorgnised NCE subjects with GCE O’Level credit equivalent in three other subjects. Education is accepted as a third A’Level subject for those taking courses in education
  • Candidates who successfully pass the final examination of the following institutions shall also be considered eligible for admission:
  • International Baccalaureate obtained from accredited Institutions with relevant grading
  • National Diploma from Polytechnics or Colleges of Technology
  • The Defense Academy certificates

How to Apply

  • Apply Online
  • Once you meet our admission requirements, you can proceed to apply for your course of choice through the university portal.
  • Our student application portal enables you to fill our admission form online where you provide all relevant information required to successfully process your application. You will also be able to upload your documents and make all the necessary payments. During the application process, you are required to pay the Application fee of N20,000.

After you Apply

  • Once we have received your application, your admission is processed. You will be notified through the university portal.
  • Once you have been offered provisional admission, you are required to pay the Acceptance fee of N50,000 within 2 weeks of the offer to signify your acceptance of the admission. If after this period, the University does not receive your payment, it may be assumed that you are no longer interested in the offer and thus may proceed to fill your space.
  • A student that has successfully accepted the admission offer by paying the prescribed fee can then proceed to pay Tuition and other fees and register courses. All students will undergo medical examination upon resumption.

Contact Admission Office

For further enquiries, kindly contact The Registrar, Atiba University, Oyo.

Tel: 0810349152, 09055794403, 09030150286

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