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The college of medicine of Ambrose Alli University and the University Management at large have constantly lied to her students.
Let’s take your minds back abit, about 10 years ago having Late Prof Mrs Agbebaku as VC of AAU and Prof Mrs Enahoro as Provost of College of Medicine, things were not as bad as they are now.
AAU College of medicine which was founded in 1981 should be an institution of pride but mismanagement and nonchalant attitude of the management towards the growth of the institution made learning unbearable for her Students.

Just few weeks ago 22/11/2022, @vanguardngrnews published a news stating that some of her recent medical graduands have spent more than 7 months at home even after rounding off with final medical examination. This is due to nothing but AAU management irresponsibility.

What is happening?
As stated by the college Provost (Prof G.B.S Iyalomhe), that @MDCNOfficial has banned AAU from inducting doctors till they complete the medical school hostel and perimeter fencing. Due to this, AAU college of medicine had taxed every medical student the N50,000 each to complete the hostel. This had been paid by over 90% of all the medical students and till date, the hostel is not close to completion. From misappropriation of funds to peddling of lies from those Incharge of the building..

This is an appeal to Edo State Government to look into the issue. Mental and physical health is at stake here.

Tertiary and secondary hospitals are short of doctors (HO). Here we have full and vibrant doctors awaiting inductions for months.

AAU college of Medicine is in need of urgent help.
The current college and school management are terrible..

This is a copy of the memo from AAU College of Medicine mandating all medical students (over 1200 students) to pay 50k each to the completion of the the medical hostel.
Even after we were arm twisted to pay, what is our fate?

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