Akwa lbom State Polytechnic, lkot Osurua, is pleased to inform all candidates who appeared for the just concluded 2022/2023 Higher National Diploma (HND) screening exercise that the Admissions list is now available on the school notice boards.
Successful candidates are expected to complete their Bio Data to enable them pay a NON-REFUNDABLE ACCEPTANCE FEE of #10,000.only upon confirmation of your Admission status via https://portal.akwaibompoly.edu.ng/getadmissionno
- Login into the school portal via www.portal.akwaibompoly.edu.ng
- You will see three dash at the top right corner. Click on it.
- You’ll then see “GET ADMISSION NUMBER”. Click on it.
- Input the Phone number used for registration.
- If you have been successfully admitted, you will see your ADMISSION NUMBER below.
- Proceed immediately to any cybercafe, complete your biodata and generate invoice for your ACCEPTANCE FEE which is #10,000 only.
Once you have successfully paid for your acceptance fee, proceed to your department to finalize the admission process.
N/B: The list will be uploaded by Friday 18th November, 2022 for verification of admission and payment of acceptance fee.
Be guided accordingly.
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