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Institute of Technology

Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Announces Resumption Date for Commencement of 2nd Semester, 2020/2021 Academic Session

This is to inform all the students and staff of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) that the institution’s management has announced the resumption date for the commencement of the second semester, 2020/2021 academic session.

AFIT Resumption Date

Departments will recall that the 2021 Academic Calendar was affected by the late resumption of 100L students and there was the need to adjust their resumption and matriculation at short notice. Accordingly, the relevant departments should mount revision for the students in the period 16-21 Aug 21 before they commence their First Semester 2020/2021 session examination on Monday 23rd Aug 21.

While appreciating the immense efforts by all staff for the successes so far achieved, the inconveniences are highly regretted. All staff and students must however realize the need to adjust to the rapid change of events Accordingly, all departments are to ensure immediate resumption for Second Semester to Fastrack commencement of lectures for 200L and 300L students.

Furthermore, all to note that the disruption caused by the pandemic has come to stay and it is unlikely that things will ever be normal. This, however, is not an excuse to compromise standards. In view of the foregoing, all COVID-19 protocols as issued by the NCDC must be strictly adhered to and all academic activities must be safety-driven

Grateful treat as urgent.

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