LEGITSCHOOLGIST wishes to inform all Newly admitted students of the 2020/21 session, New Intakes of the 2021/22 Session and the returning students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira (ABU ZARIA) are hereby notified that the Approved Schedule of tution fees and other Sundry Registration fees for undergraduate Programmes has been approved for the new session (2021/22 Academic Session)
Concerned Students, especially Returning students are expected to proceed to the Fees Schedule Payment Portal for the payment of the Necessary fees.
Kindly follow the procedures below to access the tution fees Schedule:
- Click here https://abu.edu.ng/fees-schedule/ to access the fees Schedule portal.
- Select the programme studied in the Programme section.
- Select the Level.i.e 100,200 and the rest.
- Choose Nigerian as the residence.
NB: Foreign students are to select non-Nigerian Resident.
- Select your Enrolment status,New admitted students are to select New student, while Returning students are to select Returning students.
- Select your Religion,either Christian or Islam.
- Your fees Schedule will display below in the page.Then click on print to print out the Fees Schedule.
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