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Admitted On School Portal But Not Admitted On JAMB CAPS– See Why

I have been offered admission on the school portal/website but Jamb CAPS portal says that I have not been admitted yet.“ Many candidates are currently having this issue at the moment. They have been offered admission by their schools of choice but yet their admission status on JAMB CAPS still shows “NOT ADMITTED”. If you have been offered admission on a school’s website or portal but you are yet to be admitted on JAMB CAPS portal, the information here is for you. Please read.

The major reason for this is the fact that such candidates are yet to upload their O’level results on JAMB CAPS. Until your O’level results is uploaded on JAMB CAPS Portal, JAMB will not offer you any admission on their portal because you are simply not qualified for admission until you are able to provide your O’level result.

So we advise all candidates who are yet to be admitted on JAMB CAPS Portal even after their school of choice has offered them admission to immediately proceed to any accredited JAMB CBT centre or JAMB Office to upload their O’level results on JAMB Portal.

Even if you submitted your O’level results during JAMB Registration, you are advised to re-upload the results. Remember without JAMB giving you an admission, you cant print your JAMB Admission Letter and until you have a JAMB Admission Letter, your admission is not valid. All affected candidates are therefore advised to take this seriously or risk losing their admission.

After re-uploading your results, you are advised to check JAMB CAPS again after 3 days or 1 week to see if your admission status has changed to “ADMITTED”.

For detailed procedure on how to check your admission status on the JAMB Portal, check this link:

Another Reason

Another reason could be that JAMB has not uploaded or updated the list of admitted candidates for your school of choice on JAMB CAPS. If that is the case, you may have to exercise patience and check regularly to see if the situation will change.

……What If The Situation Remains The Same?

If after ensuring that your Olevel Result is correctly uploaded on JAMB CAPS and waited for a week or so and the situation remains the same. The next step will be to visit the admission office or the school that offered you admission.

This is because the problem may be from a mistake made by the school that offered you admission. Your name could have been mistakenly omitted or deleted from the final list that was sent to JAMB.

Whatever be the case, the school should be in a better position to rectify the problem. So if you have done your best and waited long enough and the situation remains the same, visit the school!

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