This is to inform the general public that the Ahmadu Bello Unversity Teaching Hospital (ABUTH) General Nursing (Basic Nursing) entrance CBT Exams comes up as indicated below; VENUE: ABU CBT centre,Samaru ABUTH General Nursing (Basic Nursing) Entrance Exam Date, 2021/2022 session
DATE: Saturday 7th August 2021
TIME: 8am
Bring along printouts of your Registration & Transaction Slips
NOTE: Beware of Fraudsters as all ABUTH applications are online and not Paper formsAll those who applied for Post-Basic Nursing (Midwifery, Paediatrics & Opthalmic) are invited for their entrance
VENUE: CBT at ABU CBT-Centre, Samaru
DATE: Tuesday 17th August,2021
Bring along printouts of your Registration/Transaction Slips. Succesful candidates at the CBT would attend oral interview on Wednesday 18th August,2021 at ABUTH School of PostBasic Nursing Tudun-Wada Zaria
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