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AAU Ekpoma Postgraduate Admission Form 2020/2021 is Out

Ambrose Ali University (AAU), Ekpoma Postgraduate Admission Form, Courses, Admission Requirements and Application Guidelines and Deadline for 2020/2021 Admission Exercise [Full Time and Part-Time].

This is to inform the general public that applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into Higher Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes (Full-time and Part-time) of Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma for the 2020/2021 Academic Session.

All interested candidates into the Postgraduate Programme of Ambrose Alli University are hereby advised to seize this magnanimous window of opportunity to apply for the Postgraduate Progamme.

Available Courses and Admission Requirements.

a. Masters degree programmes
Candidates who possess any of the following qualifications may be considered for admission:

  1. At least a Second Class Honours Degree of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma or any other University of recognized standing in the relevant discipline.
  2. Third Class Bachelor’s Degree plus PGD or HND and any professional qualification with appropriatePGD from a recognized University.
  3. Holders of LL.B with at least Second Class Honours or Third Class Honours with a B.L. and with at least five years post-call experience, may be considered for the LL.M programme.
  4. For Masters of Arts in French studies, holders of B.A. or B.ED (French) with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division of any recognized University.
  5. For Master of Business Administration, (MBA) and Master of Public Administration (MPA) holders of a Bachelor degree not below Second Class Lower Division in any discipline OR Third Class Degree/HND plus postgraduate diploma in any administration related discipline, plus at least one year post qualification experience.
  6. Candidates for the M.Sc programme in Business Administration must passes:
    • At least five credit passes (or equivalent) in GCE O/L or WASCE or NECO or NABTEB which should in all cases include English Language, Mathematics and Economics or Commerce or Accounting and which must have been obtained at not more than two sitting. Plus
    • A minimum of a B.Sc degree (Second Class Lower Division) in Business Administration from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma or any other University in Nigeria and Overseas recognized by the Senate of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
    • A holder of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration/Management from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma or any other University in Nigeria and Overseas recognized by the Senate of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma with an average score of 50% may also be considered.
    • Candidate who have HND (Upper Credit) in Business Administration/Management from a recognized Polytechnic must possess additional qualifications such as MBA, PGDBM etc.
  7. For Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science, other relevant Professional Qualifications may be considered on their own merit.

b. M.Phil Programme

  1. Candidates who possess any of the following qualifications may be considered for admission.
  2. Graduate of Ambrose Alli University with a Masters degree in related discipline.
  3. Graduate of any other approved University with the qualification specified in (i) above
  4. Other Departmental requirements as stated in the School of Postgraduate Studies Handbook
  5. Admission requirement into Master of Science (M.Sc) Programme

Admission requirement for Master of Science in Strategic Studies and Policy and Development studies will be Second Class (Hons) Lower Division upwards. However, the related areasof studies to qualify for admission will be same as above (pgd)

c. Ph.D Programme:
A graduate of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma or any other University of recognized standing who possesses Master’s degree appropriate to the intended course may be
admitted. However, such intending candidate should have scored an average of 60 per cent in his/her Master’s degree or M.Phil programme.

Departmental Requirements: Notwithstanding the above, a Department may require an applicant, as a condition for admission, to undergo appropriate test, interviews, examinations, and/or take appropriate pre-requisite or concrete courses. Students, where applicable, would be made to fulfill the Ph.D qualifying examination requirement to confirm their candidature before registration of their titles/proposals.

d. Postgraduate Diplomas
i. Department of Crop Science (Full-Time Only)
B.Sc with a third class degree in any area of Agriculture, or related science disciplines including Botany, Microbiology, Zoology, Chemistry, Forestry, Agricultural Education
from further academic pursuit in crop science.
ii. Department of Animal Science (Full-Time Only)
B.Sc with a third class degree in any area of Agriculture, or related science disciplines including Botany, Microbiology, Zoology, Chemistry, Forestry, Agricultural Education
from further academic pursuit in crop science
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture
At least a Third class Hons degree in Architecture
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Geography and Regional Planning (PGDGRP)
At least Third Class Honours degree in Geography and Regional Planning or any other related discipline relevant to Geography from AAU or any other recognized equivalent

institution holders of HND/HNC from a recognized Polytechnic or College of Technology may be considered.
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering (PGDENG) (Civil, Elect/Elect, and Mechanical and Material & Production Engineering) 
Holders of good HND in Engineering with at least four (4) years post-qualification cognate experience or Graduate in fields relevant to Engineering of any recognized University
shall be considered.
vi. Postgraduate Diploma in Botany (PGDB)
At a least Third Class Honours Degree in Botany or other Science related disciplines.
vii. Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry (PGDIC)
a. At least Third Class Honours Degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry or Chemistry Education.
b. HND with a Credit pass in Chemistry or other Science related discipline.

viii. Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (PGDCS)
a. At least Third Class Honours Degree of Ambrose Alli University or any other recognized institution in a Science-based discipline. Other relevant professional qualifications
may be considered on their own merit.
ix. Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics (PGDS) 
At least Third Class Honours Degree of Statistics or Mathematics from Ambrose Alli University or any other university of recognized standing
x. Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology (PGDM) 
a. At least Third Class Honours or Pass degree in Microbiology from Ambrose Alli University, or any other University of recognized standing, in the relevant disciplines such as
Biology, Biochemistry and Food Technology.
b. Holders of FIMILS and AIMLS in Science related discipline.
xi. Postgraduate Diploma in Biochemistry (PGDBCH)
At least Third Class Honours degree in Biochemistry or other related Science Disciplines
xii. Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics (PGDS) 
At least Third Class Honours Degree of Statistics or Mathematics from Ambrose Alli University or any other university recognized standing
xiii. Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM)

  1. First degree from Ambrose Alli University or other recognized University
    b. H.N.D from recognized Polytechnic or equivalent.
    c. Full professional qualification of recognized professional Bodies approved by the Senate of the University.
    xiv. Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration (PGDPA)

A graduate of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma or any other recognized University in any discipline or holder of H.N.D in any discipline with at least three years cognate experience
xv. Centre for Strategic and Development Studies (PGD)
The admission requirement includes HND (Less than merit) or a bachelor degree (with less than second class lower)
For Postgraduate Diploma (PGD): Strategic Studies, the related areas will include International Relations, Political Science, History, International Studies and Law.
For Postgraduate Diploma (PGD): Policy and Development Studies, the related areas will include Economic, Public Administration and any other Social Science Course
xvi. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
A graduate of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma or any other University of recognized standing who possesses a good first degree classification acceptable to Senate. In all cases,
candidates must possess the National Youth Service Scheme (NYSC) Discharge Certificate or Exemption Certificate.


The duration of the courses to be offered shall be as follows:
a.     Ph.D Programme (Full-Time):         The duration shall be a minimum of three (3) academic sessions, and a maximum of five (5) academic sessions.
b.    Ph.D Programme (Part-Time):       The duration shall not be less than five (5) academic sessions and a maximum of eight (8) academic sessions.
c.    Master’s Degree Programme (Full-Time):        The duration shall be a minimum of three (3) Semester and a maximum of Six (6) Semesters. Extension may be allowed for not more than two semesters.
d.    Masters Programme (Part-Time):       The duration shall be in the range of a minimum of three (3) academic sessions and maximum of four (4) academic sessions. Extension may be allowed for not more than one (1) academic session.
e.    Postgraduate Diploma:      The duration shall not be less than one (1) academic session for Full-Time and not more than two (2) academic sessions for Part-Time.

Note: In exceptional cases, an additional extension of not more than one (1) academic session may be approved by Senate on the recommendation of the Board for all the postgraduate programmes.

Method of Application

Applicants are required to purchase an eTranzact PIN (Payment Voucher) for Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma’s School of Postgraduate Studies Form at a fee of N23,000.00 (Twenty Three Thousand Naira) only from the Fidelity Bank Plc, Ekpoma.


  • On purchase of the eTranzact PIN (Payment Voucher),candidates are to visit the Ambrose Alli University website @ or portal @ to complete and submit the School of Postgraduate Studies online application form with reference to the handbook. All such candidates mustupload their coloured passport photographs and scanned copies of all relevant certificates/documents to the portal.
  • Candidates should preview and confirm that the passport photograph is uploaded correctly, as no complaint of wrong or blank picture will be entertained after submission of forms.
  • Candidates are to print out a copy of the duly completed Application Form with their passport photograph and submit a hard copy to, and collect a hard copy of the Handbook from the School of Postgraduate Studies.
  • Please check the Application Instructions tab on the University Portal for proper guidance.



Application forms for the School of Postgraduate Studies Programmes will be available online for completion and submission to School of Postgraduate Studies office from S1st December 2019 – 31st December 2020.

Candidates should check the University cPortal for further details from time to time.

All candidates are to note the following:

  1. Technology fee and bank charges will be charged at the point of purchase of the eTranzact PIN (Payment Voucher).
  2. All names should be written in full when completing the online application form as no initials shall be entertained.
  3. Candidates are advised to fill their forms online personally, as cases of fraudulent practices in the admission process will not be entertained.
  4. The form’s serial number would serve as examination number where necessary.


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