JAMB has just announced that candidates who come to the exam hall 1hr after the time on their JAMB Slip, will NOT be allowed to take the exam. What this means is that, if JAMB says your exam will hold 10am – 12pm, and you go to the exam hall by 11am, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE the JAMB EXAM AGAIN!
That means you’ll have to stay at home for another year! What you should do: Make sure you go to the exam hall at least 1hr before the exam time you’ll see on your slip. So, if your exam time is 10am, be in your exam center at least by 9am.
However, JAMB also said that, if you did not start your exam because of network or computer issues, then they will reschedule your exam.
They said they will inform candidates of their new exam date in their exam center. According to JAMB, such candidates shouldn’t leave their exam center until they get their new exam date and time.
Finally, JAMB also said candidates will no longer be allowed to submit their exam 1hr before the end of their exam time. What this means is that, if your exam starts by 2pm, and you are supposed to finish the exam by 4pm, even if you finish your exam by 3pm, you’ll not be allowed to submit the exam.
What you should do: I know you’ll finish your exam on time. But instead of submitting before time, take your time and go through the questions and your answers, again and again.
Sometimes, out of a hurry, you might choose the wrong answer, thinking it’s the right answer. Be guided
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