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2023 UTME Day 1: Questions and Topics that were Asked

1. A semi conductor in which the holes are excess is . a. P-typeb. N- type C. P-n type D. Ohmic type.

2. Two parralel wires carrying current in opp direction will — a. Be attracted to each other B. Not affected C. Attract then repel D. Repel.

3. Induced current in faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction depends on.

4. Which of the following is a non magnetic materialA. IronB. PlatinumC. CobaltD. Steel.

The compound used as “antifreeze” in car radiators in cold regions of the world isA. EthanolB. Ethylene glycolC. EthanalD. Propane-1, 2-diol

[They cheap sha … I saw 1. The national park of Nigeria is located at A …. edo state B.. ogun state C … Lagos…. D … kaduna 2… a criminal can be traced through which of the following A.. blood group B fingerprint C genotype.

The kind of joint found in the scapula of a mammals is……A.sliding and glidingB. Hinge jointC. Pivot jointsD. Ball and socket.

2023 BIO Q

The kind of joint found in the pelvic which runs the femur of a mammals is……A.sliding and gliding B. Hinge jointC. Pivot jointsD. Ball and socket.

2023 BIO Q

The kind of joint found in the knee and elbow of a mammals is……

A.sliding and gliding B. Hinge joint C. Pivot joints D. Ball and socket.

The kind of joint found in between the atlas and axis vertebrae of a mammals is……A. sliding and gliding B. Hinge joint C. Pivot joint D. Ball and socket.

What type of teeth is the least numerous in herbivores A. Incisors B. Canines C. Premolars D. Molars..


Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexane A. Cracking B. PolymerisationC. Reforming D. Aromatization

If the half life of a particle is 4.5 how long will it decay 3/4 of its mass .BaS04 is A)soluble salt B)insoluble salt C)neutral salt D)basic salt

Fundamental frequency of open closed pipe came out:

Questions on biology

1. The national park of Nigeria is located at A …. edo state B.. ogun state C … Lagos…. D … kaduna

2… a criminal can be traced through which of the following A.. blood group B fingerprint C genotype

The vigorous oxidation of primary alkanol yields?2. The metallic part of clay is?

3. Which of the following metals would not form amalgam?

4. The restructuring of organic compounds to convert it from straight to branched chain is called?

5. Which indicator would be used for the following reaction and what colour would it give?KOH + CH3CH2COOH  H2O + CH3CH2COOK

6. Identify Reducing/ Oxidizing agents in equations

7. Calculations involving volume/mole/molar concentration

8. Which of the will exhibit the most electronegative character? a ) Al b) Si c) P d) S9.

Hydrolysis of organic nitriles will yield?

10. The bomb calorimeter makes use of which of the following?ans: Combustion

11. How many isomers of C4H9OH will be a tertiary alkanol?

12. Oxides of non-metals give?ans: Acidic oxides

13. Name the compound CH3CH2COOCH3

14. In the reaction 2SO2 + O2 -X– 2SO3 , X is?

15. Which of these make oils distinguished from fats? ans: Oils contain a higher proportion of unsaturation

16. If at a temperature of 120oC, the rate of formation of a product is 40cm3sec-1, what will be the new rate of formation of the product at 130oC

17. Calculations for solubility in mol/dm-3

18. The characteristic crystalline shape of solid water is due to? a )Ionic bond b) dative bond c) hydrogen bond d) vander waals bond

19. N , H2S , CO2 , Cl Which is soluble at room temperature?

20. Which of the following is not easily hydrolysed by dilute acidsans: Cellulose

21. Calculations involving Keq (Equilibrum constant)

22. The purest form of natural water is?

23. The most polluted form of water is?

24. The purest form of amorphous carbon is?

25. The compound of copper used for electroplating is ?

26. The most abundant rare gas is?

27. The ability of an organic compound to form multiple bonds with itself is?ans: Catenation*


1. Which of the following is not a mechanical wave?a ) Water wave b) radio wave c) sound wave d) waves on a string

2. The unit of the moment of couple is?

3. Which of these is an advantage of the alcohol thermometer to the mercury thermometer?ans: Low freezing point

4. Find the velocity ratio of a screw jack with pitch 0.3cm and arm length of 6cm

5. Which of the following properly describes photoelectric effect?

6. In a Capacitor, the current leads the voltage by?

7. Calculations involving mass, volume, and density

8. Calculate the Total capacitance connected in series, 4uF, 4uF, 4uF (Diagram)

9. Calculation involving force constant, and energy stored in a spring

10. If two plane mirrors are positioned side by side, the number of images formed is 8. At what angle are they positioned ?

11. Calculations involving linear expansivity

12. A uniform metre rule AB has a knife edge balanced at 60m away from B, when a load of 22g is kept 10m away from A, what is the weight of the metre rule?

13. A pin floats on water due to which phenomenon?

14. Which of the following describes photoelectric effect?

15. A DC and an AC have basically the same components, except that in the DC, there is the …..?

16. Which of these is the function of the p-n junction diode?

17. Calculation involving heat loss, heat gain, and latent heat


the options aren’t there though and it’s not word for word either..

Why do pressure pots cook food faster than other convectional pots?

2. When a bar magnet is suspended freely in the Earth’s magnetic field, it will point to?

3. The point where a ball moving in a viscous liquid start to move with uniform velocity is?

4. A stone weighs WI Newton in air, W2 Newton in water, what is the relative density of the stone?

5. A light of 6.22eV is incident on a cadmium surface. If a stopping voltage of 2.15eV is required to reduce the photocurrent to zero. Calculate the work function of the Cadmium. 

6. A vapour is said to be saturated when it is?

7. Ten 6V cells connected in parallel will give an effective emf of?

8. The ejection of electron from the surface of a hot metal is known as?

9. Where does refraction takes place?

Today’s Real JAMB questions from the Life Changer

1.) Unmi family was a}poorb} affluentc}Richd} Average

2) Umi husband is a………a} business manb} teacherc} bankerd} civil servant

3) Salma was concious of her…………..a} inconsiderate behaviorb} dressingc}past memories

4} Umi shared Salma’s EMAL story to givers her children ___a} retributionb} warningc} moral developmentd} educational background.

5} how did Umi feel during her registration ………….She recounts how she met Salma and how she embarrassed herself for saying spiteful things about the University official at the faculty registration office.

1.Which of the following is a physical change? a.The bubbling of chlorine into water. B. The bubbling of chlorine into a jar containing hydrogenc.The dissolution of sodium chloride in waterd. D. The passing of steam over heated iron

2.Under high pressure,real gases do not obey gas laws because their molecules?a.Have become more energeticb.Have become less energeticc. C. Have become smaller in sized. d. Decompose into atoms

3.Corrosion is exhibited by? a.Iron onlyb.Electro positive metals c.Metals below hydrogen in the electrochemical series d.All metals

4.Two metallic ions associated with hard water are? a.Copper and zinc b.Magnesium and silver c.Calcium and magnesium d.Potassium and tin

5.Calculate mass of magnesium that would be deposited by 8 Faraday’s of electricity. (Mg=24) a.96gb.48gc.72gd.120g


1. The vigorous oxidation of primary alkanol yields?

2. The metallic part of clay is?

3. Which of the following metals would not form amalgam?

4. The restructuring of organic compounds to convert it from straight to branched chain is called?

5. Which indicator would be used for the following reaction and what colour would it give?KOH + CH3CH2COOH  H2O + CH3CH2COOK

6. Identify Reducing/ Oxidizing agents in equationws

7. Calculations involving volume/mole/molar concentration

8. Which of the will exhibit the most electronegative character?a ) Al b) Si c) P d) S9.

Hydrolysis of organic nitriles will yield?

10. The bomb calorimeter makes use of which of the following?ans: Combustion

11. How many isomers of C4H9OH will be a tertiary alkanol?

12. Oxides of non-metals give?ans: Acidic oxides13. Name the compound CH3CH2COOCH314. In the reaction 2SO2 + O2 -X– 2SO3 , X is?15. Which of these make oils distinguished from fats?ans: Oils contain a higher proportion of unsaturation16. If at a temperature of 120oC, the rate of formation of a product is 40cm3sec-1, what will be the new rate of formation of the product at 130oC17. Calculations for solubility in mol/dm-318. The characteristic crystalline shape of solid water is due to?a )Ionic bond b) dative bond c) hydrogen bond d) vander waals bond19. N , H2S , CO2 , Cl Which is soluble at room temperature?20. Which of the following is not easily hydrolysed by dilute acidsans: Cellulose21. Calculations involving Keq (Equilibrum constant)22. The purest form of natural water is?23. The most polluted form of water is?24. The purest form of amorphous carbon is?25. The compound of copper used for electroplating is ?26. The most abundant rare gas is?27. The ability of an organic compound to form multiple bonds with itself is?ans: Catenation


Which of the following is not a mechanical wave?a ) Water wave b) radio wave c) sound wave d) waves on a string

2. The unit of the moment of couple is?

3. Which of these is an advantage of the alcohol thermometer to the mercury thermometer?ans: Low freezing point

4. Find the velocity ratio of a screw jack with pitch 0.3cm and arm length of 6cm

5. Which of the following properly describes photoelectric effect?

6. In a Capacitor, the current leads the voltage by?

7. Calculations involving mass, volume, and density

8. Calculate the Total capacitance connected in series, 4uF, 4uF, 4uF (Diagram)

9. Calculation involving force constant, and energy stored in a spring10. If two plane mirrors are positioned side by side, the number of images formed is 8. At what angle are they positioned ?

11. Calculations involving linear expansivity

12. A uniform metre rule AB has a knife edge balanced at 60m away from B, when a load of 22g is kept 10m away from A, what is the weight of the metre rule?13. A pin floats on water due to which phenomenon?14. Which of the following describes photoelectric effect?15. A DC and an AC have basically the same components, except that in the DC, there is the …..?

16. Which of these is the function of the p-n junction diode?

17. Calculation involving heat loss, heat gain, and latent heatphysics✅RLC series✅Friction✅Power of a lens 1/f calculated in D.. note f must be in meter, they gave the question in centimeters, convert it to metre..✅Work function of a metal.. E = hf✅ Gravitational potential calculation✅Point action✅Shunt and multiplier and it’s calculation Chemistry✅ oxidizing agent in a chemical equation✅ effect of pressure on equilibrium of chemical equation✅ Vander Waal force and metallic bonds✅ Method of producing bases EXCEPT✅naming of organic compounds✅ reaction between oil and lye is called?✅ solubility✅ which is a chemical process of cleansing water…?? Flocculation, coagulation, disinfectant.✅ Enthalpy of solution .


1. the velocity ratio of an inclined plane isCORRECT ANSWER = 1/sinQ2 :

where must an object be placed in front of the concave mirror so that the image will formed between the centre of curvature and the focus CORRECT ANSWER = beyond the centre

3 :- optical instruments do NOT employ the principle of linear magnification in their operations rather they use CORRECT ANSWER = angular magnification

4 :- the force of attraction between two masses m1 and m2 separated at a distance 2r is given asCORRECT ANSWER = Gm1 m2/4r2

5 :- the condition for resonance to occur in an R-L-C serves circuit isCORRECT ANSWER = W0 = 1/Lc5 :- the condition for resonance to occur in an R-L-C serves circuit isCORRECT ANSWER = W0 = 1/Lc

6 :- calculate the work done if a force of 10N applied at an angle of 30 0 to the horizontal moves the body through a distance of 0.05m CORRECT ANSWER = 0.25 {3 J7 :- the expression for electric potential (V) isCORRECT ANSWER = (q / 4Er)

7 :- the expression for electric potential (V) isCORRECT ANSWER = (q / 4Er)

8 :- a solid weighs 10.5N in air and weighs 5.5N when immersed in a liquid of density 900kgm-3, calculate the volume of the solidCORRECT ANSWER = 5.56 x 10 -4 m 3 8 :- a solid weighs 10.5N in air and weighs 5.5N when immersed in a liquid of density 900kgm-3, calculate the volume of the solidCORRECT ANSWER = 5.56 x 10 -4 m 39 :- during dispersion, colours of lightCORRECT ANSWER = travel at different speeds

10 :- cobvert 180 0F to 0C CORRECT ANSWER = 82 0C11 :-

the bean balance is used to measureCORRECT ANSWER = mass.

12 :- the diagram above represents four identical beaker of water with some droplet of a blue colour pigment. Which of them will have a faster rate of diffusion? CORRECT ANSWER = beaker IV12 :- the diagram above represents four identical beaker of water with some droplet of a blue colour pigment.

Which of them will have a faster rate of diffusion?CORRECT ANSWER = beaker IV

13 :- a thick glass tumbler cracks when hot water is pour into it because ofCORRECT ANSWER = uneven expansion

14 :- the point M in the diagram above is in stable equilibrium withCORRECT ANSWER = minimum potention energy

15 :- the charge stored by a 5F capacitor connected to a potential difference of 40V isCORRECT ANSWER = 200C

16 :- the dissociation of salt solution and acids into ions is known asCORRECT ANSWER = electroysis

17 :- the resultant of two parallel forces acting in the same direction applied to a block of wood will beCORRECT ANSWER = maximum

18 :- from the above the induced e.m.f depends onCORRECT ANSWER = I, II and III

19 :- how much current does a 120W light bulb draw when connected to a voltage of 240?CORRECT ANSWER = 0.5A

20 :- from the above diagram the effective resistance between P and Q isCORRECT ANSWER = 4.33n

21 :- a semi-conductor with rqual numver of holes and electron is known asCORRECT ANSWER = intrinsic semi-conductor

22 :- which of the following is CORRECT about the motion of a simple pendulum?CORRECT ANSWER = potention energy is maximum at the extremes

23 :- in the vibration of stretched strings, the frequency F and the tension T are related byCORRECT ANSWER = f & square root T)

24 :- from the diagram above, the pressure acting on the trapped air isCORRECT ANSWER = H mmHg

25 :- light energy E is expressed asCORRECT ANSWER = E = hf

26 :- the ejection of electron from the surface of aCORRECT ANSWER = thermianic emission27 :- where does refraction take place?CORRECT ANSWER = at the boundary between

28 :- ten 6V cells connected in parallel will give an effective e.m.f ofCORRECT ANSWER = 6V

29 :- vavpour is said to be saturated whenCORRECT ANSWER = in a dynamic equilibrium

30 :- a lagged calculator is suitable for measuring heat energy because itCORRECT ANSWER = prevents heat loss and gain

31 :- a wire carries a current of 3.0A with a magnetic field 2.0T at an angle of 30 0. calculate the force on a segment of wire 0.5mCORRECT ANSWER = 1.5N

32 :- which method of heat transfer is electro-mamgnetic in nature?CORRECT ANSWER = radiation

33 :- a light of 6.22eV is incident on a cadmium surface. If a stopping voltage of 2.15eV is required to reduce the photocurrent to zero, calculate the work function of cadmium CORRECT ANSWER =

34 :- from the digram above, calculate FCORRECT ANSWER = 60.00N

35 :- which of the folowing exhibits a wave motion?CORRECT ANSWER = a plucked stretched s tring

36 :- a stone weighs W1 Newton in air W2 Newton in water. The relative density of the stone is CORRECT ANSWER = W1/(W1-W2)37 :-

why do pressure pots cook food faster than other conventional pots?CORRECT ANSWER = its higher pressure

38 :- a spring of length 0.06m is acted upon by a force of 2N creating an extension of 0.02m. What would be the length when the applied force is increased by 8N? CORRECT ANSWER = 0.14m

39 :- when a bar magnet is suspended freely in the earth’s magnetic field, it will point toCORRECT ANSWER = north – south direction

40 :- the point where a ball moving in a viscous liquid start to move with uniform velocity is CORRECT ANSWER = terminal velocity

Today’s Real JAMB questions from the Life Changer

1.) Unmi family was  a}poorb} affluentc}Richd} Average

2) Umi husband is a………a} business manb} teacherc} bankerd} civil servant

3) Salma was concious of her…………..a} inconsiderate behaviorb} dressingc}past memories

4} Umi shared Salma’s EMAL story to givers her children ___a} retributionb} warningc} moral developmentd} educational background.

5} how did Umi feel during her registration ………….

UTME 2023

Hydrogenation of Benzene to CyclohexaneA. Cracking B. PolymerisationC. Reforming D. Aromatization

In life Organisation, Hydra is? A organB. Tissue C. System D cell

The percentage of water of crystallization in ZnSO4.7H2O is?[Zn = 65, S = 32, O = 16, H = 1]A. 33%B. 44% 👌C. 55%D. 87%

0.0075 mole of calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) is added to 0.015 mole of a solution of hydrochloric acid. The volume of gas evolved at s.t.p is?[Molar volume of a gas at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3]A. 224cm3B. 168cm3 👌C. 112cm3D. 100cm3

If an atom is represented as 23^11X, which of the following deduction is correct?A. it contains 12 protonsB. it forms a covalent chlorideC. its atomic number is 23D. it is an alkali metal 👌

Which quantum number divides shells into orbitals?A. principalB. Arzimuthal 👌C. MagneticD. Spin

Which of the folowing cannot be used as anaestetic in surgical operationa.N2Ob.O2c.H2

Today jamb question biologyConjugation in mucor formation begins with the ….


The method suitable for separating suspended particles in liquid is….?A. DecantationB. DistillationC. Centrifugation

Jamb 2023 A semi conductor in which the holes are excess is . a. P-type✅b. N- typeC. P-n typeD. Ohmic type

FROM TODAY’S JAMB EXAM…the options aren’t there though and it’s not word for word either.. Why do pressure pots cook food faster than other convectional pots?

2. When a bar magnet is suspended freely in the Earth’s magnetic field, it will point to?

3. he point where a ball moving in a viscous liquid start to move with uniform velocity is?

4. A stone weighs WI Newton in air, W2 Newton in water, what is the relative density of the stone?

5. A light of 6.22eV is incident on a cadmium surface. If a stopping voltage of 2.15eV is required to reduce the photocurrent to zero. Calculate the work function of the Cadmium.

6. A vapour is said to be saturated when it is?

7. Ten 6V cells connected in parallel will give an effective emf of?

8. The ejection of electron from the surface of a hot metal is known as?

9. Where does refraction takes place?

Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexane*

A. CrackingB. PolymerisationC. ReformingD. Aromatization*If the half life of a particle is 4.5 how long will it decay 3/4 of its mass* .

BaS04 is

*A)soluble saltB)insoluble saltC)neutral saltD)basic salt: Fundamental frequency of open closed pipe came out: Questions on biology1. The national park of Nigeria is located at A …. edo state B.. ogun state C … Lagos…. D … kaduna2… a criminal can be traced through which of the followingA.. blood group B fingerprint C genotypeQuestions from today*JAMB PHYSICS keywords QUESTIONS and answers1 :- the velocity ratio of an inclined plane isCORRECT ANSWER = 1/sinQ2 :- where must an object be placed in front of the concave mirror so that the image will formed between the centre of curvature and the focusCORRECT ANSWER = beyond the centre3 :- optical instruments do NOT employ the principle of linear magnification in their operations rather they useCORRECT ANSWER = angular magnification4 :- the force of attraction between two masses m1 and m2 separated at a distance 2r is given asCORRECT ANSWER = Gm1 m2/4r25 :- the condition for resonance to occur in an R-L-C serves circuit isCORRECT ANSWER = W0 = 1/Lc6 :- calculate the work done if a force of 10N applied at an angle of 30 0 to the horizontal moves the body through a distance of 0.05mCORRECT ANSWER = 0.25 {3 J7 :- the expression for electric potential (V) isCORRECT ANSWER = (q / 4Er)8 :- a solid weighs 10.5N in air and weighs 5.5N when immersed in a liquid of density 900kgm-3, calculate the volume of the solidCORRECT ANSWER = 5.56 x 10 -4 m 39 :- during dispersion, colours of lightCORRECT ANSWER = travel at different speeds10 :- cobvert 180 0F to 0CCORRECT ANSWER = 82 0C11 :- the bean balance is used to measureCORRECT ANSWER = mass12 :- the diagram above represents four identical beaker of water with some droplet of a blue colour pigment. Which of them will have a faster rate of diffusion?CORRECT ANSWER = beaker IV13 :- a thick glass tumbler cracks when hot water is pour into it because ofCORRECT ANSWER = uneven expansion14 :- the point M in the diagram above is in stable equilibrium withCORRECT ANSWER = minimum potention energy15 :- the charge stored by a 5F capacitor connected to a potential difference of 40V isCORRECT ANSWER = 200C16 :- the dissociation of salt solution and acids into ions is known asCORRECT ANSWER = electroysis17 :- the resultant of two parallel forces act[4/25, 2:33 PM] +234 902 835 3284: Arteriosclerosis is type of ear disease caused by InfectionsLoudnessInjury[4/25, 2:33 PM] +234 902 835 3284: What are the laws that form the general gas equation A. Boyle and CharlesB. Boyle’s, Charles and GrahamC. Boyle’s onlyD. Charles and Graham[4/25, 2:33 PM] +234 902 835 3284: BCG DISEASE IS GIVEN FOR ? it came out In jamb today[4/25, 2:33 PM] +234 902 835 3284: A hydrocarbon X has molar mass 26 carban Atoms 96% what is it’s molecular formulaA. C2H2B. C2H6C. CH4D. C3H8Jamb 2023 questions 😮‍💨 Chemistry The sulphide used in coating electric fluorescent tubes isA)iron(II) sulphide B)sphalerite C)zinc sulphide D) sulphide mineral Physics Which of the following is a poor conductor of electricity A)Soapy waterB)cold water C)distilled water D)None Biology The mode of nutrition In which digestion is extra cellular is A)saprophytic B)parasitic C)holophytic D)holozoic English What time of the day did salma meet labaran and habib on the way to her university A)6pmB)8pmC)5pmD)9pmBiology1) Which set of test is lowest in herbivores2) if a man As married a woman with blood group AA what’s the percentage of of the offspring that will be Carrier3) arteriosclerosis is cause by ___4) the Apex of predator in the aquatic food chain below is—-a) diatomb) cocrodile c) tilapia5) chameleon is able to adapt to aboreal habital by_6) Edysis is all about___.

You can stay glued to this link. We will keep updating this site with questions from the first day to the last day of the UTME exam.

Success to you all in your exams!

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