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Excerpt from the Communique that was issued after the 74th Meeting of the Nigeria Examination Committee (NEC) of WAEC. The meeting was held on Monday, 10th to Wednesday, 12th October, 2022 at the WAEC Testing and Training Centre (WTTC), Ogba – Lagos.


The Committee received reports on Irregularity, Special Cases and Appeals for Clemency arising from the conduct of WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2021- Second Series and WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2022 – First Series which were considered at the 73rd Meeting of the Committee.


NEC, after painstakingly considering the various reported cases of malpractice in WASSCE for School Candidates, 2022 approved the appropriate sanctions in all established cases of malpractice, as prescribed by the Rules and Regulations governing the conduct of the Council’s exams.


It equally authorized that the entire results of candidates proven to have been involved in examination malpractices which attract the penalty of Cancellation of Entire Results (CER) be cancelled, Some candidates will also suffer other sanctions such as being barred from sitting the Council’s examinations for two years. Some schools will be derecognized for a specified number of years or have their recognition completely withdrawn.


Some supervisors that were found wanting in the discharge of their examination duties will be formally reported to their employers and blacklisted by the Council, while some Invigilators will also be reported to the appropriate authorities for disciplinary action.


The Committee, observed that the cases of examination malpractices were on the increase with principals from various schools aiding and abetting the despicable acts. ANCOPSS, was urged to call its members to order, sensitize them and ensure that their involvement in examination malpractice is reduced to be barest minimum.


The Committee, also approved that members representing the Private Schools Associations be invited as observers to the Nigeria Examination Committee (NEC) meetings to enlighten them on the plight of the Council regarding cases of examination malpractices recorded during the conduct of examinations. This is to ensure that the appropriate sanctions are meted out to members found culpable of the despicable act.


In conclusion, as directed, the resolutions of the Committee will be implemented without delay and the affected candidates and examination centres duly informed by the Council. However, the results of candidates who were exonerated by the Committee will be released without further delay.


while subject results of Candidates proven to have been involved in examination malpractice which attract the penalty of Cancellation of Subject Results (CSR), be similarly cancelled.


The Committee, which is the highest decision-making organ of WAEC on examination related matters in Nigeria, meets twice a year, to consider matters relating to the conduct of the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School and Private Candidates.

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