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2022 UTME Day 4: Questions And Topics That Were Asked

This article aim to provide questions that were seen by students from day one to the end of the exam. We implore all candidates yet to do their exam to continue visiting our website at intervals because we tend to upload more questions as we find them.

Do not forget to share this piece of information to candidates yet to write the exam.

NOTE: We do not guarantee that the same question will come out in yours, just be prepared for anything. This should serve as a guide.

Please Bloggers, do not copy these contents without my permission. Try to be creative to update your own questions on your website. Thanks!!!


Gm legit ,I just finished my exam today🫡😪

This is one of the questions from chemistry…A pollutant that causes headache, dizziness and brain damage in human is?….

Then in the aspect of Biology.. questions came from evolution, variation , Mendel’s theories, endocrine glands….so on

Then for Physics .. capacitor, transistor,Wave especially transverse and longitudinal wave …

Catalytic property of transition elements is due to ____

Copper can be given a different color during electrolysis through a process called __

The region of electromagnetic spectrum used for eating and cooking is_____

Difference between propanol and propanone

For the biology

Where is the foramen magnum located

Level of organization of onion

Which element is added to steel to make a magnet permanent

Life changer

What was Omar’s jamb score

Who wanted to know the meaning of “that’s good” in french

What kind of relationship did Dr Dabo want to have with Salma

What led Talle into crime

What enzyme works on proteins


How many children did ummi have?

———is regarded as a stickler for rules?

Synonyms of malevolence

Antonyms of repealed

The university entrance exam for Salma was as easy as pie this means?

The man is a dog in a manger means?




A merit of unwritten constitution is?

Having lawful power also means?

ECOMOG was used to gain democracy and restoration in which countries?

Collective responsibility means?

Which party produced the first senate President?

Something about second republic was in?


The allusion in the journey of the Magi is?

‘Little lumps that fly in the air’ the poet here is referring to?

‘They sang in the forlorn fields’ what figure of speech is this?

What was released on Lockwood?

Edgar was referred to as, handsome and?

Mama’s experience at the security checkpoint shows?

Nii resolvement to travel to Nigeria was due to?

————is when sound suggest meanings?

1.A material is not used in extraction of zinc from it’s ore is. A. Oxygen. B coke. C Sulphur D zinc blend
2. A machine of V.R 4 require 1200J of 480 through a height 1.6m . find it’s efficiency. A 54%. B 74%. C 64%. D 84%
3. The temperature at which the moisture content of air wind saturate the air A) melting point. B dew point. C boiling point D) freezing point
4 The antonym of the following words. freeze. , Flow.
5 The synonyms of I ) malady Ii) fastidious III) melancholic
6) The process of separating Todine , potassium chloride and sand are ?
7 Electroplating steel with chromium metal the cathode is ? .
8 The transmission produced when light goes through transparent object is ? .
9. In a solar panel,solar beam is concentrated by using.
10 . The general formula of alkanone is A R0R B . RCOR C. RCHO D. RCOOH

We would keep updating you with so many questions as more and more students write their exams. Stay glued to the website!!!




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