This article aim to provide questions that were seen by students from day one to the end of the exam. We implore all candidates yet to do their exam to continue visiting our website at intervals because we tend to upload more questions as we find them.
Do not forget to share this piece of information to candidates yet to write the exam.
NOTE: We do not guarantee that the same question will come out in yours, just be prepared for anything. This should serve as a guide.
Please Bloggers, do not copy these contents without my permission. Try to be creative to update your own questions on your website. Thanks!!!
1976 creation of states
lyttleton constitution
literature- general principles, bat, look back in anger
economics– supply and demand
opec population.
They asked in physics transmission of light through transparent Nd semi transparent material is …..
Reaction between hydrogen sulphide and limited oxygen is…..
They ask the amount of OH— ion in 0.01 M of HCL in mol/dm³
Physics: The fundamental property of a propagating wave which depends only on the source and not the medium of propagation is the?
Life changer Questions
What brought unity among salma and her room mates?
What was Talle occupation ?
Why was salma expelled from the school?
How old was bint?
Pre colonial political systems
Political parties
Peer pressure
Military rule
Which political system had the most centralized system of government?
Which political system was based on the principle of checks and balances ?
When was the largest number of states created in Nigeria?
Which of this countries is not a member of Ecowas
a,chad b,Nigeria c,South Africa D,Togo
Which of this Nigerian leaders helped in the creation of Ecowas
A. Muritala muhammed B. Olusegun Obasanjo C. Yakubu Gowon D. Argunyi Ironsi
Literature: Literary terms
1.Spines in plant is for?
A. Defense
B. I can’t remember
2. Catcus plant is usually found where?
A. Desert
B. Grassland
3. Exoskeleton in animals are for?
A. Locomotion
B. Respiration
C. ….
Flame cell is for ….
The respiratory of paramecium
Climax community
The brain that controls heartbeat.
To chemistry ✌️
Organic chemistry
Valence electrons
Shape of molecules.
Calculations was on electrolysis, equilibrium, solubility, empirical mass, heat of reactions.
English register was about constitution
These are the questions I could recall
Willink’s constitution was set up to
Pressure groups main aim is to
The political party that made entrance for the 4th republic
Nigeria was removed from the Commonwealth in whose regime
The military system is remembered for? Ans: Creation of states
These are the questions I could recall*Govt
Willink’s constitution was set up to
Pressure groups main aim is to
The political party that made entrance for the 4th republic
Nigeria was removed from the Commonwealth in whose regime
The military system is remembered for? Ans: Creation of states
Antonyms: truculent, expatiate
Synonyms: pro rata
Life Changer
Bint’s mother is a. Gullible b. Reticent ( can’t recall d other options)
Ummi thinks Omar is a. Naïve b. Weak c. Vulnerable (I dunno option D)
Bint’s classmates thinks she is
Govt cont’d
Defense pact of Nigeria and Britain …. I can’t recall d rest
In English idioms
To read btw the line is what
To put one foot in one mouth is what
Fruits how they are formed
Brain responsible for respiration and heartbeat
Where are cactus found
Cell with nucleus the answer was sha leucocytes (WBC)
Exoskeleton uses
Calculation on linear expansivity
Gravitational force the formula
Momentum also
Frequency for overtone
Period (using T1 /T2 =square root of l1/l2
Faraday’s law
Register was on Constitution
Test of orals(stress)
The Life changer
-According to the text Zaki was more of a …….. Criminal
A. Hardened
B. Amateur
– according to the text ummi was
A. Gullible
B. reticent
– according to the text Omar was
A. Naive.
Talle’s condition taught us about the danger of
A. Greed.
B. Loneliness
C. Lack of parental guidance
The Bowman’s capsule is located where?
A. Cortex
B. Medulla
C. Pelvis
Flame cells are found in
A. Annelids
B. tapeworms
C. Mullusca
Calculate on;
Convex mirrors
Simple microscope
Electric field(coulumbs law)
Specific heat capacity
Photoelectric emissions
Sound waves
ac equation Asinπft
Magnetic Flux
Organic chemistry
Emprical formula
The instrument used to determine the upper fixed point is hypsometer
According to text bing was referred to
a genius…Can’t remember the options
How does bing act in her class
a older than her age
b less than her age
c acts as her age
If 1mole of CUSO4.XH2O has a mass of 25g find x
Linear expansivity
Stress pattern on investigate
Why did ummi nd her children go and sit under the tree
a.because no light for two days
b.because everywhere was hot
If zinc has 0.2kg at 15degreecelsius find its new temperature (shc of copper =390)
An organic compound contains 40%carbon, 6.67% hydrogen. Find its empirical mass the answer is 40
Which is an amphoteric oxide SnO2
The temperature at which water vapor present in air is sufficient to saturate the air is dew point
A question of convex mirror , to find focal length
Is peptone produced in the following
Ans a.haemoglobin’s b.collagen c.insulin
Synonyms of pro rata nd dim view
Nephridium is the excretory system of
A. Tape worm
C.round worm
The male gamete of a plant produced is
D.pollen grain
Vowel sound of torch
Rhyme word of ease
D.can’t remember
Iupac name of BrC(CH3)3
Boss the questions that came out;
1)Sulphur is added to rubber to…
2)compound used to remove impurity in ethene
3)petroleum product used in cosmetics
For maths…
The topics are
Business arithmetic
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We would keep updating you with so many questions as more and more students write their exams. Stay glued to the website!!!
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