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2022 UTME Day 2: Questions And Topics that Were Asked

This article aim to provide questions that were seen by students from day one to the end of the exam. We implore all candidates yet to do their exam to continue visiting our website at intervals because we tend to upload more questions as we find them.

Do not forget to share this piece of information to candidates yet to write the exam.

NOTE: We do not guarantee that the same question will come out in yours, just be prepared for anything. This should serve as a guide.

Please Bloggers, do not copy these contents without my permission. Try to be creative to update your own questions on your website. Thanks!!!

Questions that I saw today


. Dominant image in black woman

. Corpses thrown up by the Atlantic alludes to ?

. Kantamanyo symbolises ?

. Which character represents brain drain in unexpected joy at dawn

. Church bell and trumpet represents what in look back in anger

. What is the technique used to represent thoughts of a character

. Central theme in lion and jewel

. Raider if the treasur trove is —— poem




. Oversight function is performed by who ?

A type of government in which a single person has unlimited power is called

. absence is independent justiciary is an attribute of ——

. Major consequence of privatization

. What is the philosophy behind federalism

. Before OAU Nigeria belonged to what group





Stess pattern



In the life changer

.Siblings rivalry existed between who and who

.What was salmas general review on men?

The organ that is urinogenital is

a ureter

b urethra

c seminal vesicles

d nephron

2 when hydrogen is replaced with the halogen family in the alkane it forms

a haloalkanes

b alkanol

c alkanals

d alkanoates

3. The blood consist of the following

a RBCs, WBCs,plasma , platelets

b RBCs, WBCs,water, plasma

C RBCs,WBCs,plasma

d RBCs,WBCs,plasma ,platelets

4. The part of the plant that has large air space

a vascular bundles

b epidermis

c Mesophyll

5. Mosses and ferns are

a thallophyta

b bryophyta

c pteritophyta

6. An haemophilia carrier woman marries a normal man what is the probability that her son is normal

a 0%

b 50%

c 25%

d 50%

Members in the homologous series differ one another with the following except

a they differ from each other by 14g

b they have same method of preparation

c they have same general formula

d they have same chemical properties

The hybridization sp2 is

a alkanes

b alkynes

c alkene

d halogen

Which of these elements that when added to sodium gives a white gelatinous precipitation

a zn2+

b cu2+

c pb

d fe3+

Who narrated the story «life changer»

a ummi Ahmad

b mallam Salihu

c salma

d tomiwa


There mother (ummi) always enter unexpectedly so as to

a monitor them

b eavesdrop

c to make sure they keep personal hygiene

d to discuss with them

Stress – Compulsory

a com-PUL-so -ry

b COM-pul-so-ry

c com – pul-SO -ry

d com-pul -so -RY

Holes in semiconductors are

a free electrons

b free proton

c neutron

* Zn is a reducing agent because it was

a reduced

b oxidized

c neutral

* Which of the compound will give off sooty flames

a C2H2

b C2H6

c C3H8

d C5H12

Stress- Advertisement

a AD-ver-tise-ment

b ad-VER-tise-ment

c ad-ver-TISE – ment

d ad-ver-tise-MENT

1. The stress on the word ‘celebration’

2. The author of Life changer?

3. The fundamental frequency was given as 100Hz. Find the first overtone. 200Hz

4. Calculation on lost voltage when given internal resistance…

5. The function of the petaloid sepal in a flower

6. Formula of acceleration: V-U/T

7. They gave 4 values for capacitors connected in parallel…. (Just add all)

8. The register was on covid 19

9. A key bayonet connector with it’s feasibility in easiest insertion and removal from the fibre optic cable is?

One photoelectric question.

Element use in vulcanization

Hole in a semiconductor

Equation which relates acceleration to change in velocity and time

A cell whose internal resistance us 0.55 ohms delivered a current if 4 A to an external resistor , the lost voltage of the cell is?

Nigeria is a major financier of ? A. OPEC B. UNO C. AFCB D IBRF

In Downs process for the extraction of sodium, the cathode is

A. Mercury

B. Iron

C. Graphite

D. Steel

What is the main type of reaction alkenes undergo.

1. Addition

2. Condensation

3. Elimination

4. Substitution

The lattice energy and hydration energy of an ionic solid is +78kjmol- and +96kjmol- respectively

The heat of solution is

A. +18

B. -18

C. +174

D. -174

Which of the following is accompanied with chemical changes

A. Addition of CUSO4+CUO

B. Addition of NaCl+H20

C. Addition of CuSO4+H2O

D. Boiling

Instrument used to measure the direction of wind

A. Wind vane

B. Anemometer

It can be inferred from the novel that

A. Omar and teemah are rivals

B. Omar and bint are rivals

C. Salma and Ada are rivals

D. Omar and Jamila are rivals

Which of the following does not have nucleus

A. Leucocytes

B. Erythrocytes

C. Plasma

D. Platelets

A Ray from a fixed object is Inclined on a plane mirror at an angle of 20°. If the mirror is rotated through 30°, find the the degree of rotation of the reflected Ray

A. 30°

B. 40°

C. 60°

D. 50°

Another question they asked me is

Tick and cow relationship is

A. Mutualism

B. Parasitism

C. Commensalism

Mucor growing on bread is

A. Parasitism

B. Mutualism

C. Saprophytism


Then find the sum of the 19th term in 20 14 8 ……

find the first 23 terms of 1 5 9 13 ……

Today in the jamb exam i saw some questions like wave length binary the has decimal eg convert 1011.10 to base 10

And one question asked me to solve vertically opposite angles

There was one that they said find the derivative Y= sinX^2

Biology Questions

What is the bone of the ear

What determines the germination of a seed

What is the most important part of a young seed

How is carbon IV oxide released to the atmosphere

What is the settlement of plant and animal species called


Life changer

What is the tone of the book-uncertainty

What’s ummi’s matric no-UG001

What school was Omar admitted to- Ahmadu bello university

What’s Omar’s mum profession- teacher

How old is bint-5

Meaning of the idiom

Our literature teacher is by a garb ( I can’t really remember the question)


uses of alkanols

Questions on alkenes, alkanes, identification


Questions on heat

Identify yield or strain in the diagram

That’s all I can remember for now!!!

When hydrogen peroxide reacts with acidified KMnO4 the purple color changes to ?

An object 40 cm high is 30 cm from the pin hole camera. If the height of the image formed is 20cm. What is the distance of the image from the pin hole

A. 15 B. 70 C. 60 D. 40

A cell whose internal resistance is 0.55 ohms delivers a current of 4A to an external resistor. The lost voltage of the cell is

A. 4.00 V

B. 2.20 V

C. 0.15 V

D. 8.00 V

A bar magnet is placed near and lying along the axis of a solenoid connected to a galvanometer. The pointer shows no difference when

A. The magnet is moved towards the stationary solenoid

B. There is no relative motion between the magnet and the solenoid

C. The magnet is moved away from the stationary solenoid

D. The solenoid is moved away from the stationary magnet

Which of the following liquid is a poor conductor of electricity

A. Molten mercury

B. Molten steel

C. Molten iron

D. Molten copper

A tuning fork having a frequency 312 Hz emit a wave of wavelength of 1.10 m. Calculate the velocity of sound

A. 312.0

B. 110.0

C. 343.2

D. 686.4

A bar magnet is divide into two pieces, which of the following is correct

A. Two new magnets are created

B. The magnetic field becomes stronger

C. The electric field is created

D. The bar magnet is demagnetised

When the plate area of a capacitor increase

A. The voltage can withstand increase

B. The capacitance decreases

C. The capacitance is unaffected

D. The capacitance increases

The addition of charcoal to filter bed of sand during water treatment for township supply is to

A. Prevent goitre

B. Prevent tooth decay

C. Remove odour

D. Kill germ

The sulphide that is commonly used in coating electric fluorescent tubes is

A. Iron II sulphide

B. Tin II sulphide

C. Zinc sulphide

D. Lead IV sulphide

If a volume of a given mass of a gas at 0°c is 29.5 cm³, what will be the volume of the gas at 15°c, pressure remains constant

A. 31.6

B. 62.2

C. 32.7

D. 31.1

Using the metal activity series, the metal that can liberate hydrogen gas from steam is

A. Iron

B. Copper

C. Tin

D. Lead

2H2 + 02 —- 2H20

From the equation above, calculate the volume of unreacted oxygen gas if a mixture of 50cm³ of hydrogen and 75cm³ of oxygen combine

A. 85cm³

B. 50cm³

C. 125cm³

D. 55cm³

In the extraction of iron, hot air is introduced into the blast furnace through

A. Valves

B. Open hearths

C. Arcs

D. Tuyeres

A coloured gas that is known to poisonous and can readily damage the mucous lining of the lungs is

A. Hydrogen sulphide

B. Carbon monoxide

C. Chlorine

D. Sulphur IV oxide

The following non metals form acidic oxides with oxygen except

A. Phosphorus

B. Sulphur

C. Carbon

D. Chlorine

In order to electroplate spoon with silver, the arrangement of the electrolytic cell is

A. The anode is silver and the cathode is spoon

B. The anode is spoon and the cathode is silver

C. The electrolyte is silver trioxonitrate solution and the cathode is silver

D. The electrolyte is silver trioxonitrate solution and the anode is spoon

An organic functional group which can likely decolourise ammoniacal silver nitrate is

A. Alkene

B. Alkane

C. Alkyne

D. Alkanol

In the preparation of salts, the method employed will depend on the

A. Composition

B. Dissociating ability

C. Stability to heat

D. Precipitating ability

What volume of water will be added to 10dm³ of 2.0 mol/dm³ HCl acid solution to give a final solution of 0.5mol/dm³

A. 30

B. 40

C. 20

D. 50


Which is a splash zone

A) Salt water

B) Pond

C) River

D) Fresh water

What feather does the bird use to steer and balance in air

Which states is in the southern guinea savannah


I am looking forward to ____ you

A) See

B) Seeing

C) Be seeing

D) Seen

Which of the following best represent solid-gas mixture

A. Milk

B. Kerosene

C. Soil

D. Smoke

A chemical widely used as a fertilizer is

A. Galena

B. Bauxite

C. Emerald

D. Nitrochalk

An organic compound contains 69% carbon, 15.3% hydrogen and 30.7% oxygen. Calculate the empirical formula ( C=12, H=1, O=16)

A. C4H12O

B. C3H9O

C. C4H9O

D. C3H8O

Calculate the value of entropy if the heat change in a system is 400 joules at -273°c

A. 40j/k

B. 400j/k

C. 4j/k

D. 0.4j/k

The two political parties in third Republic

Structural adjustment program was formed under which government

War against indisplince was formed under which regime

What the main reform of 1976 local government reform

Who  among the siblings had rivalry


A company that produces streptomycin needs

A algae

B virus

C fungi

D bacteria



(1) Chemical reaction of Haber process?

(2) Ninhydrin test is to identify what?

(3) The chemical used widely as fertilizer is?

A. Emerat

B. Bauxite

C. Gelena

D. Nitrochalk

(4) Element that doesn’t belong to Alkaline earth metal.

A. 1s²2s²

B. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²

C. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶3d²

D. 1s²

(5) 2SO2 + O2 ➡️ 2SO3. The catalyst involved?

(6) Sand placed on calcium carbide in the preparation of ethyne is to?

A. Remove phosphine

B. Produce calcium oxides

C. Absorb heat of reaction

D. Make conical flask balance.

(7) Wrought iron is obtained by heating cast iron in a surface coil through?

(8) The following are uses of alkanols except.

A. Extraction of iron

B. Fuel in gas lighter

C. Sterilizing surgical instruments

D. Preserving food

(9) The major effect of SO2 during rainy season is?


VOCABULARY: valid, pessimistic, concerted, etc


Connect, drawn, meadow, etc.


Words ending in; ‘-sm’, ‘-al’ etc.


1. A man with formation of haemoglobin AS is adviced to marry a woman with _______

(a) AS (b) SS (c)AA (d)SA

2. The bone found in the neck region is referred to as______ (a) cervical (b) thoracic (c) sacral (d) lumber

3. An example of aboreal animal is________ (a) rat (b) pig (c)duck (d) squirrel

Calculate the number of the dry cells each of emf 2V and internal resistance 1 ohms ,connected in series if when connected to an external resistance of 30 ohms produces a current of 0.8A.

Which halo alkane is used in the production of fungicide

Final product of ethene and kmno4

Dimension for momentum

Find the velocity of a tuning fork of frequency 312hz and wavelength 1.10m

Unit of Heat capacity

The power factor of a dc circuit is


b.equal to 1

c….less than unity

D. Zero

How many isomers are in 1,1 dibromomethane?

Compound microscope produces?

A. Angular magnification

B. Lateral magnification

C. Plane magnification

D. I have forgotten


1. A iron rod is 2.58m long 0⁰C. Calculate the length of a brass rod at 0⁰C if the difference between

the lengths of the two rodsust remain the same at all temperatures. ( Linear expansivity of iron

1.2x 10-⁵k-¹, linear expansivity of brass 1.9×10-⁵k-¹) A 1.63m B 1.631m C 2. 63m D 2.631


2. A brass cube of side 10cm is heated through 30⁰c. If the linear expansivity of brass is 2×10-⁵k-¹

what is the increase in it’s volume? A 0.06cm³ B 0.18cm³ C 0.6 cm³ D 1.80cm


3. The real and apparent cubic Expansivities of a liquid in an expansible container are 3×10-⁶k-¹ an

1.8x 10-⁶k-¹ respectively. Calculate the cubic Expansivity of the material of the container. A 6x

10-⁷ B 1.2 x 10-⁶ C 1.67 x 10-⁶ D 1.8 x 10-


4. A relative density bottle of volume 50cm³ is completely filled with a liquid at 30⁰c. It is the

heated to 80⁰c such that 0.75cm³ of the liquid expelled. Calculate the apparent cubic Expansivity

of the liquid. A 0.00003 B 0.0003 C 0.00032 D 0.0197


5. According to the kinetic theory, what does NOT occur when the temperature of a constan

volume of gas is increased? A. a decrease in the mean speed kinetic energy of the molecule

increase in the mean speed of the molecules C. an increase in the momentum change at each

collision D. an increase in the number of collision per second


6. Heat transfer by conduction is similar to wave motion because …..A there is increase i

temperature B transfer of materials is involved C charged particles vi bebrate at right angles D

no transfer of materials is involved


7. In the formation of sea breeze, wind blows from A sky to land B sea to heaven C land to sea

sea to land


8. Highly polished silvery surfaces are A poor absorbers and poor emitters of radiation B goo

absorbers and good emitters of radiation C good absorbers but poor emitters of radiation D

poor absorbers but good emitters of radiation E me answer no dey


9. What is the resultant of the force along OY in the diagram below? A 20N B 30N C 60N D 9


10. Three vectors 3ms-¹ N45⁰w, 12ms-¹ W and 5ms-¹ S acts at a point. Calculate the the resultant o

the vectors. A 14.41ms-¹ N78.5⁰W B 14.41ms-¹ S78.5⁰W C 15.81 N65.8⁰W D 15.81 S65.8⁰


11. A bullet fired vertically upwards from a gun held 2m above the ground, reaches it’s maximu

height in 4s. Calculate the magnitude of the initial velocity of the bullet A 40ms-1 B 20ms-1 C

40.25ms-1 D none of the abov


12. Using questions 12 what will be the total distance covered by the bullet by the time it hit th

ground (g 10ms-²) A 92m B 162m C 160m D 82


13. A stone is projected vertically upward with a speed of 30ms-¹ front the top of a tower of heigh

50m. Neglecting air resistance, determine the maximum height it reached from the ground ( g

10ms-¹) A 95m B 45m C 90m D 100m


14. A particle accelerates uniformly from rest at 6ms-¹ for 8s and then decelerates uniformly to res

in the next 5s. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration. A -9.6 B 9.6 C 24.0 D 48.


15. A particle is projected horizontally at 15ms-¹ from a height of 20m. Calculate the horizonta

distance covered by the particle just before hitting the ground. (g 10ms-¹) A 30 B 20 C 15 D 40


1. A iron rod is 2.58m long 0⁰C. Calculate the length of a brass rod at 0⁰C if the difference between the lengths of the two rodsust remain the same at all temperatures. ( Linear expansivity of iron 1.2x 10-⁵k-¹, linear expansivity of brass 1.9×10-⁵k-¹) A 1.63m B 1.631m C 2. 63m D 2.631m

2. A brass cube of side 10cm is heated through 30⁰c. If the linear expansivity of brass is 2×10-⁵k-¹. what is the increase in it’s volume? A 0.06cm³ B 0.18cm³ C 0.6 cm³ D 1.80cm

3. The real and apparent cubic Expansivities of a liquid in an expansible container are 3×10-⁶k-¹ an 1.8x 10-⁶k-¹ respectively. Calculate the cubic Expansivity of the material of the container. A 6x 10-⁷ B 1.2 x 10-⁶ C 1.67 x 10-⁶ D 1.8 x 10-

4. A relative density bottle of volume 50cm³ is completely filled with a liquid at 30⁰c. It is the heated to 80⁰c such that 0.75cm³ of the liquid expelled. Calculate the apparent cubic Expansivity of the liquid. A 0.00003 B 0.0003 C 0.00032 D 0.0197

5. According to the kinetic theory, what does NOT occur when the temperature of a constant volume of gas is increased? A. a decrease in the mean speed kinetic energy of the molecule increase in the mean speed of the molecules C. an increase in the momentum change at each collision D. an increase in the number of collision per second

6. Heat transfer by conduction is similar to wave motion because …..A there is increase in temperature B transfer of materials is involved C charged particles vibrate at right angles D. no transfer of materials is involved

7. In the formation of sea breeze, wind blows from A sky to land B sea to heaven C land to sea D. sea to land

8. Highly polished silvery surfaces are A poor absorbers and poor emitters of radiation B good absorbers and good emitters of radiation C good absorbers but poor emitters of radiation D poor absorbers but good emitters of radiation E me answer no dey

9. What is the resultant of the force along OY in the diagram below? A 20N B 30N C 60N D 9N

10. Three vectors 3ms-¹ N45⁰w, 12ms-¹ W and 5ms-¹ S acts at a point. Calculate the the resultant of the vectors. A 14.41ms-¹ N78.5⁰W B 14.41ms-¹ S78.5⁰W C 15.81 N65.8⁰W D 15.81 S65.8⁰

11. A bullet fired vertically upwards from a gun held 2m above the ground, reaches it’s maximum height in 4s. Calculate the magnitude of the initial velocity of the bullet A 40ms-1 B 20ms-1 C 40.25ms-1 D none of the above

12. Using questions 12 what will be the total distance covered by the bullet by the time it hit the ground (g 10ms-²) A 92m B 162m C 160m D 82m

13. A stone is projected vertically upward with a speed of 30ms-¹ front the top of a tower of height 50m. Neglecting air resistance, determine the maximum height it reached from the ground ( g=10ms-¹) A 95m B 45m C 90m D 100m

14. A particle accelerates uniformly from rest at 6ms-¹ for 8s and then decelerates uniformly to rest in the next 5s. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration. A -9.6 B 9.6 C 24.0 D 48.

15. A particle is projected horizontally at 15ms-¹ from a height of 20m. Calculate the horizontal distance covered by the particle just before hitting the ground. (g 10ms-¹) A 30 B 20 C 15 D 40m

For a good machine M.A is

A. M.a>1

B. M.A<1

C. M.A=1

Which of the following is accompanied with chemical changes

A. Addition of CUSO4+CUO

B. Addition of NaCl+H20

C. Addition of CuSO4+H2O

D. Boiling

After reflection from the concave mirror, rays of light from the sun converges

A. At the radius of curvature

B. At the focus

C. Beyond the radius of curvature �

D. Between the focus and radius of curvature�

A pinhole camera is placed 300m in front of a building so that the image is formed on a screen

5cm from the pinhole. If the image is 2.5cm high, the height of the building will be

A. 25m

B. 50m

C. 100m

D. 150m �

The major difference between a pure semiconductor and a pure metal is that

A. metals are harder than semiconductor

B. while resistance of metals decrease with temperature , the reverse is the case for semiconductor

C. the resistance of metals increases with temperature, while for semiconductors, it is the reverse

D. metals have forbidden gaps while semiconductors have not

The magnification of an object 2cm tall when placed 10cm in front of a plane mirror is

A. 6.0

B. 1.0

C. 0.7

D. 0.6 �

A semiconductor diode is used in rectifying alternating current into direct current mainly because it

A. allows current to flow in either direction

B. is non-linear

C. offers a high input resistance

D. allows current to flow only in one direction

The bond that forms a semiconductor is?

A. covalent

B. electrovalent

C. ionic

D. metallic

A conductor of length 2m carries a current of 0.8A while kept in a magnetic field of magnetic flux density 0.5T. The maximum force acting on it is

A. 0.2N

B. 0.8N

C. 3.2N

D. 8.0N

When a pure semiconductor is heated, its resistance

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. increases and then decreases

A certain manufacturer wishes to make an n-type semiconductor. Which materials would he select for doping?

A. boron and antimony

B. boron and antimony

C. aluminium and indium

D. arsenic and antimony

Which of the following is accompanied with chemical changes

A. Addition of CUSO4+CUO

B. Addition of NaCl+H20

C. Addition of CuSO4+H2O

D. Boiling

The force on a charge moving with velocity v in a magnetic field B is half of the maximum force when the angle between v and B is

A. 90°

B. 45°

C. 30°

D. 0°

A magnetic field is said to exist at a point if a force is

A. exerted on a stationary charge at the point

B. exerted on a moving charge at the point

C. deflected at the point

D. strengthened at the point


Click the link below to view 2022 UTME QUESTION DAY 1




We would keep updating you with so many questions as more and more students write their exams. Stay glued to the website!!!


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