As an admission seeker, there are some certain things you have to beware of, in order to have at least a stress free admission year (though admission processes are always stressful)
In this article, I mentioned few things that could deter or make your admission difficult to get.
1. Not praying to God for guidance.
Yeah, God plays a role in our affairs, His impact is great towards your Journey to admission. Seek his guidance, it’s importanter.
2. Not knowing anything about the school you are applying to.
Knowing entails meeting with people who have been admitted before you, they are in the best position to give you first hand based-on-experience information. Mingling with staylites will also make your preparations easier, you’re a seeker, you need to be friendly.
If you don’t know anyone, search for the school on Facebook, there are groups where you can meet staylites and aspirants of each school.
3. Applying based on “God go do am”
Though the role of connections and admission runs cannot be overemphasised, but some institutions in Nigeria won’t offer you admission without meeting with their departmental cutoff marks and other admission requirements.
Do not apply for an institution that you didn’t meet her cutoff marks or requirements. You’ll lose money and time. An example is applying for UI Medicine with 200 or 220, and saying you have 200 minimum score, you’ll be shocked.
Another example is an aspirant of FUOYE who had a score of 180 but trying to apply for Civil Engineering whose minimum cutoff is 200. I advised him to change, but he refused saying he knows a lecturer and the man has given him the go ahead. To cut the long story short, after the change of institution, he applied on FUOYE portal and the portal rejected his application, after paying screening fee.
The portal requested that he should change his course but he his hell bent on Studying the course. He could not proceed because it’ll cost him over #6000 to change if he decided to.
4. Carefully check your subject combinations.
One of the requirements is having a good subject combination, for example, Faculty of Admin and Social sciences in OAU does not accept Commerce, both in UTME and O’level. Correct combinations of courses of each school is available in “JAMB IBASS BRONCHURE”, on Jamb site. Some schools also made it available on their website too.
In fact, wrong subject combination is equal to automatic disqualification.
Also, inability to meet up with O’level requirements will either lead to disqualification or you’ll be advised to change course.
5. Using someone else accounts.
While doing your registration, UTME or post UTME. Please, do not allow the CBT operator or cafe man to use his email or phone number for you, this is to prevent scamming and future issues. Keep your email and phone number safe, in fact, back up all passwords and ensure you monitor your details. If your registration is done remotely, ask your agent to send your details to you and verify it too. Wrong details may disqualify you for admission.
6. Attempting your registrations yourself.
You can actually do some of these things yourself, but the question is whether you know about it. Cafes can do it for you, but not all cafe workers are familiar with your registration too. A candidate called me few days ago from a cafe, I have to start explaining the processes to the cafe man, why, he doesn’t know about it. That’s how I provided free consultancy to a man paid for the work.
You can consult us for stress free Registrations.
7. Not knowing where you’re going.
This is where Consultants comes in, having a low score doesn’t mean you can’t get admission, having a higher score doesn’t guarantee your admission too, taking the right steps is important.
Get the last cutoff marks for the school or Course, know how your aggregate is calculated. Calculate your aggregate using the last cutoff as a grade so that you’ll know what’s left for you to meet up, remember you need to score above the last cutoff marks.
If you have access to School Admins, you can consult them, some institutions also provide their phone on their website, you can call to make inquiries or report a problem. You can also Consult Us. We’ll provide answers to our very best.
For preparation on schools that write exams, get essential textbooks, past questions, study well and you can Consider tutorials too.
8. Misplaced Priorities
Tick tock, time waits not.
As an admission seeker, especially for schools writing post UTME, you’re expected to prepare rigorously as if you and book are 2 in 1. “You have to be at your best to enter as they say”. One mistake aspirants in this category do make is learning work as an apprentice or working in a firm while preparing for exams, apart from the fact that the time to study is limited which gives you a low proficiency, psychologically, you’ll be imbalanced. 8am to 5pm work, 1 hr house chores, 4hrs to 6hrs sleep, 2 hrs movie. What time and how many hours of study?
Don’t forget that after your exam, you still have few months to stay at home, which might be greater than the period between UTME and post UTME.
1hr to 3hrs study in a day is not for someone who’s preparing for Post UTME examination. You’re not dull, the problem is that you’re not studying enough. That’s why there are tutorials that you can attend, remember, my main point is whether the priority is misplaced or not. You can attend tutorials and still fail.
9. Not having your O’level results
Some people wasted their first admission year because they applied with awaiting results thereby preparing for 2 major exams in one year, the results came out and some had a pass in one of the major subjects, therefore O’level requirements not met.
You could do both SSCE and UTME the same year and enter, but it’s always a risk. Some schools won’t even allow you to apply using awaiting results. An example is EKSU(for this year’s admission)
10. Time, Chance or You’re tired.
“It’s clear that when work meet the right time and chance, the expected happens. If your time isn’t right yet, it’s too early to get tired, what’s more important is that you’re taking the right step and your priorities are not misplaced..
…Nature has a way of fixing people to where they should be, one of these ways is being delayed, remember, your mates or friends’ time are not the same with yours.
Your mind plays an important role too, feed it with Goodness.
Wishing to see you at your destination.
Don’t stop, Don’t run, don’t be in a hurry!!!
For School/ Post UTME Registration, Change of Course or institution /Consultancy or to join Our Post UTME Tutorials reach us on 08028128744 or send us a message on WhatsApp. You can also use the Live Chat button to connect with the next available Agent.
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