It is often assumed that many candidates that fail JAMB exams are not academically sound. This may not be really true. There are many students that are sound and intelligent but have to take JAMB more than two times before they are able to get a good score to secure admission. There are untold reasons candidates fail in JAMB apart from not being academically sound.
Based on personal observations and research I’ve made. below are four untold reasons students fail JAMB as well as other exams;
1. Examination Centres
You may be shocked at this, but the truth is that the centre where you take your JAMB exam matters. There have been many instances of JAMB cancelling the result of a whole centre or reducing the scores of the candidates that took their exams in a centre due to malpractice and other irregularities. Situations like these usually affect many candidates who may not have engaged in any form of malpractice.
In cases like this, there’s little or nothing a candidate can do. However, I will advise candidates to report any malpractice or irregularity they notice in their centre to an invigilator so that only the candidates or officials that are involved will be punished because if it is not reported and JAMB gets to know about it, JAMB will assume that everyone in the centre is guilty. Though JAMB said it normally carries out investigations before taking action in such cases but we really do not know how thorough the investigation usually is.
2. Failure to Read Instructions
The moment you fail to read instructions before starting an exam, you are not far from failure already. Instructions will guide you on what to do and what not to do. Failure to read instructions and follow them is the reason many candidates fail to see their results after the JAMB exam. Please ensure you read every instruction given to you before answering the questions.
3. Lack of Speed and Accuracy
Not being fast enough in answering the questions is another issue some candidates have. For every exam, there is a time limit for you to answer all the questions you are supposed to answer. Speed is especially needed when you are taking an exam like the JAMB CBT. This is why I advise candidates to ensure they get participate in LEGIT Online JAMB Mock Exam This will help you practice JAMB Past questions, understand how JAMB questions are asked and help you improve your speed with time.
You can also get JAMB CBT Practice software to guide you theough. You can equally time your self by setting a time limit and try to answer as many questions as you can before the time finishes. Once you are done, try again but this time ensure you answer more questions than you did the last time within the same amount of time.
4. Lack of Preparation
I don’t need to write much on this one. If you fail to prepare for any exam, then it means that you are actually preparing to fail the exam.
When I was in UNILAG as an undergraduate, I do tell my fruends that “If you prepare well for any exam, you’ll do well. If you prepare very well, you’ll do very well”
Many JAMB candidates fail not because they are not academically sound or intelligent but because they fail to actually prepare for the exam. To prepare well for an exam as JAMB, you need to do all you can to eliminate any form of distractions. Stay off social media if you can. Unless you have an online study group you are part of for the purpose of the exam.
Find what works for you and stick to it; is it studying alone? studying in a group? Going for tutorials? etc. Just stick to any study pattern that works for you and make the most of it.
5. Failure to Register JAMB in Time
Time waits for no man- is a popular adage. Tick says the clock tick tick is another adage. The fact that Jamb offers enough time for its registration is not a ground for candidates to register late for the exams. Procrastinating to register on time has caused a whole lot of failure in JAMB UME examinations.
Here is how late registration affects candidates:
Candidates are given unconducive/unequipped centers. Some are slated for rural areas for the exams and guess what! These can cause candidates to fail
6. Failure to Arrive at the Exams Venue Early ~ Always Be Punctual
Tears dropped from her eyes, I could remember vividly she was a girl, tall and she spoke intelligently. All her tears were in vain, all her pleas were wasted as the invigilator was so tenacious in his decision. Further findings revealed that she was the best in her secondary school who made history by recording 9A’s in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE ), but on that faithful day, she was late to her UTME exams. That was how she failed JAMB.
It is so obvious that many candidates are seen doing some print out on their exams day and this warrants their lateness to exams. It is advisable for candidates to do all necessary things prior to the day of their exams. If your exams center is in a long-distance or in another state, try to be there at least a day before and get to know your center.
7. Computer Illiteracy
Yes, we are in a computer age where computers and other computer-related devices are easily accessed, yet computer illiteracy still rocks among young school leavers. Since 2014, Jamb had progressed from the rostrum of PPT to the rostrum of CBT which made way for the utilization of computers for the exams.
It is appalling that many candidates still cannot operate these computers during exams and thereby failure comes in. It is advisable for candidates to undergo Computer Base Training before the day of their exams.
8. Incomplete Materials
Yes, this has posed a problem to many candidates. The exams day is like an injury period which a simple mistake can hurt for life. Before departing for the exams hall check out for your materials such as Jamb print out, Passports, etc. Read the necessary instructions and adhere to them. Where you are to bring a color print-out please don’t bring a black and white print out.
9. Unconducive/Unequipped Exams Center
One major thing that poses a threat to JAMB in Nigeria is its poor and unequipped exam environment. These have posed a psychological effect on many students. The progression from PPT (Paper and pencil test) to CBT (Computer Based Test) has not to change Jamb’s poor Examination Environment
10. Misinformation
Many students are misinformed about Jamb exams. They are given fake information which has no relationship to the aforementioned exams. It is known facts that are many myths and conceptions surrounding the exams and the exams body. All this should me took with a pinch of salt as many of them are rumors and not facts.
Good luck!!!
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